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  1. guardogz

    Twisted leaves

    is this the closest plant next to the side lighting? that s my first guess. are you using a coco based soil? are you giving cal mag, esp w just rainwater/ro water. any ph swings? overall plant looks pretty good
  2. guardogz

    I'm Stumped...Concerns in Early Flower

    i m dealing w hermies for the first time and have found seeds lower on the plants. it s been easier to find the seeds than bananas. so the nugs that are seeded have the same look as yours.
  3. guardogz

    Potential hermaphrodite ?

    i had my first hermie recently and i m not seeing it yet w yours. they were the typical banana shape below the bud sites. the seed was 3yrs old
  4. guardogz

    is there a way to replenish / reuse old soil?

    I luuuuuv my recycled soil. it usually gets freshened up w some soil out of the mulch pile, dolomite lime, eggshells and coffee grinds. biggest benefit was very few bugs. also if you keep the soil mild clones seem to do better. make sure to add equal amounts of perlite(or more) as it seems like...
  5. guardogz

    Neem Oil

    well nuke em is a pretty gentle anti mold and bug spray. just a pia to have to rinse it off after drying esp when your problem is high humidity
  6. guardogz

    Egg Shells...amount used

    well as a fellow egg shell user you might run into high ph before you run into calcium overload. then depends on your water source, but only add liquid cal/mag when the plants need it. i balance out the calcium sources w a good dash of coffee grinds in each soil batch.
  7. guardogz

    Alternative light cycles

    well i d like to try 8/12. this would work for 6 days. then on the 7th run just a one day cycle(10/14, 8/16 or ?) less options w the analog timer
  8. guardogz

    Alternative light cycles

    sorry the last 2 lines are mine
  9. guardogz

    Is the Water O.K. ?

    couple things seem to jump out here. any chance the your ph pen is off. i ve had a couple go south on me. that its reading essentially distilled(humidifier) water at 8.0 ph is odd. next if you need a gentle upward swing in soil ph add some dolomite lime to the top-tablespoon or 2. or add some to...
  10. guardogz


    i dont do any humidity control. can be in 20's like yours. so in the winter it s too low for veg and in summer too high for flowering. i get some edge of leaf curl(upwards) when the fan blows w low rh and temp. perhaps a bit of wind chill. easy fix for that. in summer keep the fans running and...
  11. guardogz

    Aeroponic Cloner, "Water Heater" or "No Water Heater"?

    i run into trouble when the air temp goes above 63 ish. the pump creates heat and the stems go soft. so i ve only ever had to cool the water. others mite have success round 70.
  12. guardogz

    What's The Best Life-Path for This Recovering, Middle Aged Lady?

    well if she s been in that pot for 5 months(3gal) and you plan to flower i d transplant to a 5 gallon.
  13. guardogz

    Sharing outdoor auto experience...

    well in the past i used to grab a bottle off the shelf and off i went. if your gonna spray anti mold do you want something that would fight bugs mold and other stuff? then. neem oil is one of the many that will work. for a gentle good smelling solution-squeeze a lemon and dilute the juice into a...
  14. guardogz

    Sharing outdoor auto experience...

    i ve had both power skunk and big band grow to 6' outdoors. 0 mold on the ps and just a touch on the bb. if your having a wet growing season get a spray on them as they go into flower. 3 zips was the avg for them. so many choices for big autos now...
  15. guardogz

    ZaraBeth's Tahoe OG Kush Grow

    was drawn to your grow cause i have louis 14x tahoe og cross and your first pic looks like a sister of mine. recycled soil and teas are what i use. so far trouble free and growing well. got one strain that claws if you just talk about nitrogen :roll:. took a couple grows to figure that out...
  16. guardogz

    Tent advice and tips

    yea defn too close there. 18" a better starting point. depends on the light too. my first was an induction light. you can put this light much closer than hps lights. then you also make adjustments based on node length as the plant grows.
  17. guardogz

    Tent advice and tips

    hey cookie good thread. your questions are reasonable but our answers are frequently more of an if/then situation. if your plants start to yellow feed them. if the pots get light water them. if you have 12 plants for a 4x4 tent you may want to top them to fill the canopy. some people top to keep...
  18. guardogz

    Mites. Dichlorvos. Neem.

    forbid 4f did the trick for me. one spray in veg, then one more as they go into flower. i ve got other sprays(nuke em, neem) but forbid is effective and easy.
  19. guardogz

    ZaraBeth's Tahoe OG Kush Grow

    so if your grows are finishing well then you prob dont have to sweat the chloramine and ph issue. kiss is the way to go. if the finish is ever subpar, then this is what i d do. get rid of or avoid the chloramine and get your water ph'd to 6.5. someday you mite run into a finicky strain that...