I'm Stumped...Concerns in Early Flower


Hello friends,

I have a single female from "Blueberry" bag seed. She's on Day 35 of Flower and I noticed over the past few days some of the buds' pistils have been turning red. I only see them on the smaller tops, the main tops seem unaffected.

Main top:20160302_225110.jpg

Smaller redding tops: 20160302_225122.jpg 20160302_225133.jpg

I've done my bit of research before posting here so hopefully you guys can help me troubleshoot.

I'm pretty sure she's not pollinated. There are no males and I don't think she is a hermie. I've been lookin for bananas and pollen sacs but haven't found any. Maybe I missed em?

I'm pretty sure it's not burnt from light, please tell me if I am mistaken. The closest top to the light is 9" away. I'm using CXB 3070s.

The only other thing I can think of is sometimes the tent gets a little warm during "nights". I run the tent during the nights and have lights off during the day. Problem is that the afternoon sun heats up the plant's night time so I've had night time temps climb as high as 82F while day time is usually 78F. Could this be the issue?

I'm running a DWC bucket currently with Cocotek bloom. PPM is around 900 and pH is 5.7

All comments and criticisms are welcome!



Lookin good and white. They are a little stained from starting in coco but no smell or negative symptoms


Well-Known Member
I know you said it isnt, but it sure looks pollinated to me. It just hasnt formed any beans yet. Was there any damage to that branch or is it on more than 1 branch?


It's on more than one branch, and no it was not damaged. Dang, looks like im going back to look for male parts


i m dealing w hermies for the first time and have found seeds lower on the plants. it s been easier to find the seeds than bananas. so the nugs that are seeded have the same look as yours.