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  1. H

    new indoor grow.

    alright first off, i started by germinating the seeds for about 24 hours in a wet paper towel in a bag. they all sprouted so i planted all of them into soil.. i have them under some fluoresents right now.. they grew to about an inch tall in a day or 2. do i leave the light on 24 hours? what and...
  2. H

    Fungas Gnats HELP!!!!!

    gnats are the little black flys that are in my growroom, correct? are they bad.. i only have one or 2 i see flying around.. i will kill them if i get a chance.
  3. H


    correction! to post above.. im talking about indoor. with the sugar water thing thank you lol. just puffed some nicely cured sour diesel buds
  4. H

    help deciding what to use... please help

    im renting an apartment and would like to start growing a closet full to get some headie nuggets i cant cut anything to make any vents.. :wall: does anyone kno any good ideas telling me what i should be getting for lights and fan..:?: anything i would need to harvest something decent.. im...
  5. H

    these electric bills are killing me. need new hps and advise

    try going to you can get 125 watts with the power of 400!
  6. H


    would sugar water be good for watering the plants????
  7. H


    so i jsut pour it into the soil??? how exactly?
  8. H

    Just another closet groW (PLEASE HELP)

    what should i do? if im using cfl's right now, how can i get some really dank shit growing in my closet?? im renting an apartment so i cant do to much for ventilation if you kno what i mean.. no cutting into walls and things like that.. what should i get for lights and anything that will help me...
  9. H


    whats up with u guys usin molasses? what exactly does it do for the buds, cuz mine r nice but im open to new ideas to make them better
  10. H

    Just another closet groW (PLEASE HELP)

    thank you for the help, if i were to go and get another 48in fixture and 2 more bulbs would that be better?? until i get the hps lights...
  11. H

    Just another closet groW (PLEASE HELP)

    so i have a prettty nice sized closet which is painted white. i have a 48in. long fluoresent light fixture which hold 2 bulbs. i kno a little about the Kelvin scale and about the bulbs being "daylight" or "wide" and also "cool blue". I know that "cool blue" or "daylight" are best for the...