Fungas Gnats HELP!!!!!


Well-Known Member
i have fungas gnats and read using h2o2 and water mix will kill them but cant find how much to use per gallon of water... could you tell me?


Active Member
gnats are the little black flys that are in my growroom, correct? are they bad.. i only have one or 2 i see flying around.. i will kill them if i get a chance.


New Member
i can help... I had the same problem a few weeks ago... take 3 parts water and one part hydrogen peroxide... water your plants with it just once.. i did this and havnt seen any since...... if your using one gallon, just split the gallon up into 4 equal parts and minus one part and make that part hydrogen....hope this helps ..good luck...


Well-Known Member
its the larva you gotta worrie about they eat your plants roots..... a female adult can lay up tp 1000 eggs thats mostley all they do but i did some research and found out if you put like 1/2" to 1" of perlite/vermaculite/or sand on top of your soil they'll e got in a few days. it keeps the adults from laying eggs cause they wont lay eggs on something dry like that only moist soil....also back off on your watering it helps to wait for the soil to dry up more then water if it stays moist like that it brings fungas and bugs like a damn banquet.


Active Member
Use Neem oil. It's organic and non-toxic but will take care of the gnats. Mix about a half teaspoon along with a half teaspoon of liquid soap (as an emulsifier) in a quart of water. Spray directly on the soil. the gnats lay eggs in the soil. The neem interferes with their reproductice cycle, so the eggs never develop into mature gnats. Works great! I like to spray the entire palnt down every couple of days through about the second week of flowering. This will protect against other insects as well. Think of Neem as prevetive. Use it from the start and you won't have the infestation problems.