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  1. C

    diagnose my plant please. (white gross stuff)

    where would i buy that in canada, nvm I'll look myself, for now theres not a lot ill pick them off I usually only see 2 or 3 thanks for the link
  2. C

    diagnose my plant please. (white gross stuff)

    well its fine now, :), just a few inches shorter. And the bugs look like little caterpillars that are squishy in the middle
  3. C

    HELP! first time growing

    you should post a pic to help other people identify the symptom properly I was more or less guessing about watering because if they are in small pots of soil they usually dry fast in the sun.
  4. C

    2 day old clones

    I would put it on a windowsill or somewhere with atleast a few hours of sun. I think they would grow better
  5. C

    2 day old clones

    I have very little experience but it looks like a nutrient problem, like overfertilization type of burn. It could also be the soil that they where put in since it seems that there were only problems after they were in soil. I would change the soil if its possible without hurting the roots or...
  6. C

    HELP! first time growing

    maybe it needs water
  7. C

    diagnose my plant please. (white gross stuff)

    so this is what I see on my plant first thing today. Im going to go cut it off later but what is it? and should I worry about it in the next few weeks? Also there is this common insect. I don't know what it is or if its bad. the plant herself
  8. C

    Dog Ate Seedling

    yea, will survive for sure. I had the same thing happen to me but I chased to dog with the pot in his mouth for five minutes the dirt good have been anywhere but I found it surprisingly fast. The seedling looked just like yours and it was fine
  9. C

    purple stems???is this normal??

    it is talked about here: My plants had purple streaks on the stems, but I was after they where transplanted... I though it might have been the strain...but its not. I didn't worry bout them and then they just disapeared :)
  10. C

    my setup

    and?.,,, yeahhhhh that is long, anyways thats a lot of light he could grow much more lol lol the only female was the only one forgotten (more or less) I would have not gone 60 MILES!!! but good for him if he is all set up. ....nvm I had point good luck though
  11. C

    Getting started again after 30 years.

    wow thats been a while...1979 i didn't exist then well have a nice grow ^^
  12. C

    tiny plant with big buds...week 4-5

    yea humidity really sucked here in Quebec, must have been similar there on Ontario Sorry but I don't think thoses buds are really that big but in a month or so I think you will have a some nice plants to harvest Edit:Not that they aren't nice now or anything like that
  13. C

    Check out my first plant

    I would not have pulled the fan leaves or just the ones that are really hidding the budding locations I wonder if you will have less bugs because it is on a balcony Nice plant, looks like you'll have some smoke for a bit there Do you know what the strain is?
  14. C

    Outdoor pictures

    thanks for the compliments and responses The small ones where barely surviving for at least a month, then they had all the sun they needed. They grew more in 2 days than the previous 6 weeks. Its not really wet around these parts, but mother nature decided to beat some rainfall records this...
  15. C

    Best grow guide ever...

    nice video and all, really enjoyed it but You should not deceive people by saying its a grow guide when it is not
  16. C

    Outdoor pictures

    So this is the first time I actually grew plants into flowering. Well they where someones clones and they where going to die if "I" didn't plant them and then I had to save the one that where still alive by putting them in a sunnier spot. And basicaly I was not going to grow this year but...