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  1. Bud Stankelman

    a 9 gram sunday

    7grams is pretty good for me. I would drop 9 g's if I didn't have anything to do for a day though. Hope all went well!
  2. Bud Stankelman

    do you get medical nitrous tanks? i would like to hear your story

    I live in PA. I just dl'd the application for dohnj. If I am a PA resident can I still apply in NJ? Also, it lists the uses that you will need the application for... ie.. Racecar/Vehicle application, dentist, food prep, blah blah blah. I think the only feasible one for me to use would be...
  3. Bud Stankelman

    vanilla kush desktop grow

    very cool indeed. impressed is me with only 40watts!
  4. Bud Stankelman

    Vacation Watering Setup, Can Anyone Help Me?

    Hello All! I am going on vacation in what looks to be the 7th week of flowering. I have a small rubbermaid setup, two containers stacked on top of one another with lights hooked up to the top lid. 184 watt cfl grow. This is my first grow, just one plant. It showed sex yesterday on its first day...
  5. Bud Stankelman


    That sucks MrEDuck, I know what thats like. Its hard when family and friends show their "true colors". You know what I always say right? Fuck 'em If They Can't Take a Joke!
  6. Bud Stankelman

    Xylazine used as a heroin adulterant

    It seems it is a relative of Clonidine, which is actually used when you withdraw from heroin in the hospital or in some rehabs. When I first went to rehab and got out I went on the net and looked for Clonidine in bulk, I used to get it from india by the 100s. It makes you dip and nod like a...
  7. Bud Stankelman

    any tips on poppy growing

    Little Butch, does it matter where I throw the seeds? Should I rake up an area to create a little seed bed? How exactly do you do it, or do you just literally look for a patch of dirt and throw seeds on it and walk away?
  8. Bud Stankelman

    4-piperidone monohydrochloride....Dont try this at home kids

    JESUS CHRIST! That video almost made me bust off a shot in my underpants. I would love to get my hands on some of those "Tylenol". Whats the strength for one dose? Man, you have a gold mine on your hands. I live outside of Philly and let me tell you there are some dealers around here that would...
  9. Bud Stankelman

    Blue man group on mdma?

    Sounds like funnn. Drugs + live entertainment is always a great combo. Enjoy!
  10. Bud Stankelman

    lsd dose question

    Sometimes when I am trippin'... I say out loud "I WISH I COULD FEEL LIKE THIS FORRRREVARRRR!"
  11. Bud Stankelman

    The French Cannoli` Hash Thread

    Frenchy, can you upload some of your awesome finish product cannoli pix? What about some melty shots? Thanks brother!
  12. Bud Stankelman


    let me break it, break it, down for you. I started using oxy first, then heroin, then Suboxone, that was 7 years ago, today I just got back from my daily trip to the methadone clinic, 7 years on methadone. I would quit the methadone... if I had a month off work and my family to lay in bed and...
  13. Bud Stankelman

    White widow x big bud cfl grow

    what color temperature are your bulbs? It looks like you are using 6500k? If so you probably want to switch to 2700k for flowering. If they are 2700k, then carry on!
  14. Bud Stankelman

    opinions on this. random soldier plant.

    Hey man hows it going? I am new to growing too. I am trying to grow my first plant ghetto style (cfls, and everything else on the cheap). Can you please tell us a little about your grow space/set up? Thanks! PS good lookin' plant dude!
  15. Bud Stankelman

    What size room for 400 watt?

    MrShim, what kind of screen is that in your pic? I want to build a screen like that! Thanks!
  16. Bud Stankelman

    First Time Grow... kinda

    **48Hour Update** Just checked her, and guess what? GROUND BROKE! Woo hoo! Anyway, it looked like the root tip really took off since when I planted it the tip couldn't have been bigger than 2mils. The root tip was poking out of the soil about 1/2" and on top was a little green and the split seed...
  17. Bud Stankelman

    First Time Grow... kinda

    Thanks for the info guys! GrowinDad: Should I start 16on 8off on the light then? When it pops through the medium should I then place the misted plastic bag over the pot or should I do it when it hasn't emerged yet? I am going to buy a timer today. Anything else I should pick up while I am out...
  18. Bud Stankelman

    First Time Grow... kinda

    Hello all! My name is Buddy Stankelman. I have been recently experimenting with making isopropyl hash out of bag bud from around here (northeast us). I have really wanted to try my hand at growing some primo buds, but I haven't had the cash or time to do it. Fast forward to my nightly bong...