White widow x big bud cfl grow


Well-Known Member
Before and after pics of the same branch 5 days after defoliating, gonna have to say im impressed so far so i did another trim today, will post before and after pics of that as well



Well-Known Member
Apparently they posted reverse order 1st pic is the 5th day after the trim 2nd pic same branch 5 days before right after the defoliation


Well-Known Member
Nice man, you had somd nice stretch on your girls there, mine i had to slow given the space i had for height although i wish i had defoliated earlier to what height i actually had, as she stands now i coulda let her go atleast another 6 inches, yours look good hows the density looking on those buds? I tried to see but cant get a clear view


Well-Known Member
Well heres a few pics of 3 days after another defoliation session, dont wanna over do it on her so i prolly wont give her another session until about halfway through week 5, today is the start of week 4 in flower. Was gonna wait the full week after the last trim session to update but trying to stay at the beginning of each week of flower, so heres how she sits beginning of week 4.


harris hawk

Well-Known Member
Great information 1Zigzaman, planning on using the "heavy" defoliantion method, So when in Vegation stage when do you do your first Toppng and or Fim mehod but do understand one should defoliate thur out grow> But once in flower plan on only doing a heavy defoliation in week 4. What do you think? Basically are is your toppinng/fim schedule (x's, order, ect)) Thanks PEACE They also have an article in High Times magazine this month, worth a look about heavy defoilation


Well-Known Member
Before and after pics of the same branch 5 days after defoliating, gonna have to say im impressed so far so i did another trim today, will post before and after pics of that as well
Do you think the plant is wasting too much energy regrowing all those fan leaves you removed and not putting forth its energy to the buds? I have been debating with myself to defoliate or not. I am also growing in a 2x2, with CFls and an LED, and a lot of my lower leaves are dying off because they are not receiving enough light. Defoliating doesn't seem to be detrimental, but I'm not sure if it really helps or not.

Good luck with your grow. I think your plant is looking great.


Well-Known Member
Honestly what im thinking is that it forces photosynthesis in the part of the plant you want it to happen at anyway, i dont cut the fan leaves that are in the bud unless they are blocking light to the lower sites, and as far as i can tell it just produces more fan leaves at the bud itself, err should i say forces those fans out, but none the less forcing the new younger leaves to do the work instead, and im not positive on this but wouldnt less foliage mean i could lower her dose on feedings? I mean she doesnt have all those huge bigger than my hand leaves to feed anymore right? She has been sucking water alot faster but i was guessing that to be because of pot size/root mass, and @ harris hawk, yes ive read that just like lst that its better to get your plant used to this treatment during veg but i decided to give it a whirl in flower just because of how dense the foliage was.... I had almost no light penetrating through to the inside of the plant, i know it had a chance of herming out but honestly i wouldnt have minded the female seeds anyway lol, ill keep u guys posted on anything i can also that training is why i didnt hit her really hard the 1st time .... I didnt wanna shock her to hard during flower, i know odds are i slowed her down a little but im hoping that the extra light to the whole plant will even it out in the long run, maybe even boost her a little bit, im growing 3 clones from her atm 1 new mother and 2 to put to the test against each other using 1 no defoliation the other very aggressive those once they get a little bigger ill probably just keep it on this thread but that bridge ill cross when i get there all my clones just went into soil 2 days ago so they have some recovery time hopefully anyway lol, anyway those are just thoughts and or theories ive been pondering since i made the choice to defoliate.... Im definitely open to any suggestions and or comments/opinions you guys may have im just posting my results as i know defoliation is a sensitive topic and many are skeptical on trying it after all the work they put into growing :)


Well-Known Member
And i fimd this plant twice, once really young prolly at node 6 or 7 and once 2 days before flower to try to slow the stretch, she was super cropped many times on pretty much any branch i felt comfortable pinching, the top bud on this plant is honestly .... Idk how to phrase it.... A clusterfucked mess.... Heres a better view of it/them/call it what u wanna lol


Bud Stankelman

New Member
what color temperature are your bulbs? It looks like you are using 6500k? If so you probably want to switch to 2700k for flowering. If they are 2700k, then carry on!


Well-Known Member
They are dual spectrum, the little 23w are 2700k just depends where i am in the room taking photos to what spectrum shows better, heres a hdr pic shows the bulbs better in thier true light



Well-Known Member
Still looking good, love how big n dense the buds get on WWxBB
Really? I just finished some and they were big and larfy. Hey Ziggy nice plants. Keep an eye out for nanners in the upcoming weeks......4 of my 5 threw nuts....one in week 3....the other 2 around week 6.......the other one threw nuts week 8.....killed the first one it was so bad.


Well-Known Member
Last day week 5 tomorrow starts week 6 very PROUD of her thus far hangin in like a champ, ill post some pics tonight of her a few mins after lights out ( just because i love the "picture justice" as i like to call it) the smell has really picked up in the last cpl weeks exhaust fan being installed today.

