First Time Grow... kinda

Bud Stankelman

New Member
Hello all!

My name is Buddy Stankelman. I have been recently experimenting with making isopropyl hash out of bag bud from around here (northeast us). I have really wanted to try my hand at growing some primo buds, but I haven't had the cash or time to do it.
Fast forward to my nightly bong session, I found a small but hard and tiger striped seed in the bowl right before I went to take my first rip. I placed it aside and thought "How cool would it be to mess around and try to grow this one bagseed.".
So the next day I placed the seed into a glass of water and placed it on top of my refrigerator. 24 hours pass and in the glass I see the first signs of a root tip. I read some info online, and quick rushed out to Lowe's before they closed.
I bought what I "thought" I needed. A 18watt CFL (equivalent to 75w incandescent) that has a color temperature of 5000K (I bought it because it said "Natural Daylight"), a dome reflector hood (ten inches or a foot circular) with cord and outlet, a bag of Miracle Grow seed starting mix, a small 3inch pot, and a 3gallon pot.
When I got home I read a little more about which way to point the root tip in the growing medium (here its perlite/peat), how deep to plant the seed/root tip, and watering instructions. I took the 3inch pot and filled it up with the seed starting medium, watered/drained it and planted my seed and covered it. I have the light set about 2-3inches from the top of the little pot the seed now sits in, and put a saucer underneath to catch water.
So now the seed has been under constant light for 24 hours, and since the root tip was only 2-3millimeters I doubt I will see a seedling for a few days. The soil after 24hours is moist but when I press down there isn't any excess water. I think I will wait until 48hours tomorrow to water again.

So thats my story so far, I know I should have started with ten seeds or so but I really wanted to just force myself to take the initiative and start this project.

In the next week or two I am going to source a small grow tent and a 400watt HPS from Craigslist or maybe I will drive up to my hydro shop and buy a 200w CFL and reflector.

Oh yeah, my goal is to eventually one day grow some amazing herb, and help be a part of this amazing community. I really look forward to any advice, and if anyone has any cheap kind indica dominate seeds they wouldn't mind mailing to me, I would pay for them, or even if you have awesome bagseed I would try that too and report back here about it. Wishful thinking I guess ;)

Much Love, and Thanks, Your Friend,
Bud Stankelman

Your on your way to growing a beautiful thing. Personally I like to keep lighting cycles as close to nature as possible. Also next time you germinate a seed, put it in a more than damp paper towel and throw it in the dark but not too cool. The tip should be about an inch long before planting into media. Don't leave it in the towel too long though because it WILL attach it's micro roots to the paper towel and you'll destroy them when you rip em off.

Good luck keep us posted.

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Well-Known Member
Agree with dirtyteddy. Also back that light off. When she pops the soil her cots will be prone to burn.

I put mine in a solo cup with drain holes. I take a baggie, cut a small slit in it, mist some water, and put it over the cup. It helps keep humidity high and I think prevents the cots from drying out.

Good luck!

Bud Stankelman

New Member
Thanks for the info guys!

GrowinDad: Should I start 16on 8off on the light then? When it pops through the medium should I then place the misted plastic bag over the pot or should I do it when it hasn't emerged yet?

I am going to buy a timer today. Anything else I should pick up while I am out?

Also, should the plant be in a box or something to block light yet?

Thanks for anything in the way of info you guys can give me! I really appreciate it. I am going to post pix as soon as she sprouts.

This bud that I got the seed from was dank as hell, really CHEESEY smell, and super trichome coated and super dense nugs. Hopefully I grow the Cheesey phenotype, but there was an awesome lemony pheno in there too. Either way I will be happy if she grows up to be a female!

Thanks again,
Buddy Stankelman


Well-Known Member
Yes, I do 18-6. I put the baggie over now, before it pops. Light is almost pointless until something breaks through. And even then, they need very little.

Bud Stankelman

New Member
**48Hour Update** Just checked her, and guess what? GROUND BROKE! Woo hoo! Anyway, it looked like the root tip really took off since when I planted it the tip couldn't have been bigger than 2mils. The root tip was poking out of the soil about 1/2" and on top was a little green and the split seed was still attached to the top. I got kinda freaked out that I might need to re-plant it. So I took a pencil tip and very gently worked my way around and down around the root tip. I didn't want to break my ONLY plant, so after I dug down about 1/4"-1/2" I stopped, figuring if it didn't come out from me digging around it, its probably rooting as we speak. So this is good.
Tomorrow I am going to get a light timer, and start 16on 8off as per GrowDad's instructions. I am about to go put a misted plactic baggy loosely over the small pot shes in right now.
Any More Advice based on what I have just told you guys?

Ok, thanks for the info. I will start 16-8 tomorrow, but its been 24hours on since its been in the grow medium for the last 48 hours. I went to go out and build a Space Bucket today, but as I started buying parts I got discouraged. I can build the thing no problem, but I needed to buy everything new basically, and it would have cost about 80-90 bucks. So I think what I am going to do is buy a Grow Tent, and a 400 watt bulb/ballast. Any cheap but good combos for a light and air filtration hookup?

I found a secret jardin DR60 (small but still a lot bigger than a stupid bucket.), and 2 bulbs 1 MH and 1 HPS both 400 watt new for $200 on cragislist. Then I would just need a ballast and air filtration system. Any ideas? I want to do this as cheaply as possible because I am broke. Is $200-$400 for everything need possible? I want complete stealth.