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  1. T

    Suggestions on light penetration?

    yeah, what about ideas that I can still use in flowering? Thought about tying down branches, bending main stalk, but don't have time today. Any quick fixes?
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    Suggestions on light penetration?

    Just set up a new 400 HPS and in flower stage but the inside of the plant seems dark. Plan on getting mylar to enclose the area, but any suggestions on how to get light to the inside of my baby? Want as much light penetration as possible. Thanks.
  3. T

    how do i plant my roaches?

    Wow, I thought you were just kidding. Being a STAFF member you ought to know that the ONLY way a plant is going to grow is if there is a seed. You don't need the friggin' roach! You're buddy just had some shitty grass that he didn't properly clean and rolled it up. How did you become staff? This...
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    bugs will not fuck off!

    Look into Predatory Nematodes. They will hunt out and kill the larvae in your soil so they don't eat your roots! They are a good natural way to kill off the gnats without poisoning your grow. Use the yellow sticky traps (on soil survace and around potter rim) in conjunction with the nematodes...
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    fungus gnats help

    Forget the sand as an absolute fix. Buy some predatory nematodes to kill off the fungus gnat larvae.
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    Is this Fungus Gnats or a pH problem?

    I do see them on the surface of the soil. I have sticky traps and a lot get caught, but there are still larvae in the soil that are prob eating my roots! Would fungus gnats cause this if they ate the roots? Or is this indicative of a pH problem?
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    Whats your bug solution and decent h202?

    Instead of using chemical insecticides, I ordered some predatory nematodes to take care of the problem. The gnats that you see are not really the problem (although annoying) What you really need to eliminate is the fungus gnat larvae that live in the soil. I did some research and found that...
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    Is this Fungus Gnats or a pH problem?

    Anyone out there? Could use some insight please.
  9. T

    Fungus Gnats or pH?

    Well, the leaves are curling under at the leaf margins and 1 branch fan has started to brown and die off! At first I thought this could be caused by my tap water (don't use it ne more) being very high in pH like around 8.2. But I also have a slight (hopefully) fungus gnat problem. Here are some...
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    Is this Fungus Gnats or a pH problem?

    Well, the leaves are curling under at the leaf margins and 1 branch fan has started to brown and die off! At first I thought this could be caused by my tap water (don't use it ne more) being very high in pH like around 8.2. But I also have a slight (hopefully) fungus gnat problem. Here are some...
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    Actually I've tried 15x Salvia and I currently have 60x salvia that I haven't tried. A lot of people can't handle the hallucinating (REAL hallucinations) and so they "never try it again" I've done it 4 times and plan on doing it again in the future when I have time. Not for everyone, but...
  12. T

    Can she recover?

    So if I just water w/ distilled water will that correct the pH of my soil eventually? I have soil with organic nutrients already in them so I don't mix nutes into my water. I just need to correct this asap cause my lady just entered her 12/12 cycle and I want to stress her as little as possible.
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    Can she recover?

    I've been having a problem with some of my leaves (about 20% of fan and branch leaves) curling under at the margins of the blade. After consulting the forums and FAQ I've come to believe that I have a high pH. I tested my tap water (I know) and it was above 8. So I bought some RO distilled water...
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    Fan and branch leaves look like upside-down canoes!!!

    Alright well here are some pics of the problem What do u think?
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    Help with leaves curling under!! Check these PICS!!!

    That's the thing, I don't give nutes cause they are already in the soil. I have been giving tap water but I just found out the pH of my tap is over 8.0! I got some RO distilled from the grocery store w/pH 6.2-6.8. Think that will solve my problem? Are pH problems correctable even when the...
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    Help with leaves curling under!! Check these PICS!!!

    Maybe in the air, but def. not in the soil. They get watered plenty after drying out. I think it may be a pH problem?
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    Help with leaves curling under!! Check these PICS!!!

    Thanks, I put a couple tubs of warm water around the plant to release some water vapor into the air, but I also checked the pH of my tap water (I know tap sux, but the last couple grows were prob. free w/tap) and found it to be over 8! Would a very alkaline pH be responsible for these symptoms...
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    Help with leaves curling under!! Check these PICS!!!

    Some of the leaves have begun to curl under lenghthwise (not at the tip, but along the sides of the blades) and I don't know what's causing it! This has never happened before and I can't find another thread that explains it! Is this going to kill my plant? What should I do? The leaves aren't...
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    Fan and branch leaves look like upside-down canoes!!!

    Anyone? I would appreciate some guesses at least, cause right now I'm totally in the dark here
  20. T

    Fan and branch leaves look like upside-down canoes!!!

    Any ideas or suggestions on what could cause the leaf blades to curl down on the sides like this? It's got me worried cause I'm just starting to flower and can't bear to lose her now!