bugs will not fuck off!


Well-Known Member
and they are seriously affecting my crop.. I've already bought organoicde which uses some kind of fish oil and it smelled like a dirty crotch. Seemed to help for a little but they came back. So I went and got this pretty expensive stuff called bon-neem its made from Indian neem tree seeds.. thought it sounded close to neem oil. Seems to have helped once again but today I noticed a couple flying insects in my grow room and I'm like wtf!!! grrr

I've already spent close to $30 trying to solve this bug problem.. what do I do?

I can't let my ladies die.

South Texas

Well-Known Member
I use liquid seaweed once per week for spider mites. That mat also solve the problem. But check out a new product called "Plant Wash". Suppose to be a lot better than Safer's soap. Also, a pesticide strip in the GR may be another solution. Good Luck.


Well-Known Member
I think he said he had a flying insect problem, which wouldn't be spider mites. If this is the case I'd use sticky strips, but don't put them near anything that you don't want them to get stuck to.

If it's a spidermite problem, I recommend Avid, or Floramite, expensive, but worth it. I use it as a preventitive spray before I start my bloom, and never have mite problems. They say you can spray it on your plant, I know people who do, but it's pretty powerful so I wouldn't want to smoke it. :bigjoint:

Are they fruit flys? Aphids? Spidermites?

Also ladybugs are good spidermite eaters.


stays relevant.
Investigate the possibility of using a Pyrethrin fogger. If you don't want to use the fogger I would also recommend lady bugs. Lady bugs love to make meals out of the wings, and soft bodies of pests such as the gnat, in addition to the bodies and larvae of spider mites.


Well-Known Member
Neem will probably work, but it's not an instant cure. It works by disrupting the reproduction of the bugs, so it takes a bug generation or two to really see the effect. I spray all plants with neem oil diluted into water, about once every two weeks, whether it looks like they need it or not.


Well-Known Member
get some sm-90, and try the pyrethium fogger. Between those two you should get rid of the bugs. If you are only having a problem with fungus gnats then let the soil completely dry in between waterings and get some pest strips.


Well-Known Member
Yea Neem oil and sticky traps, you really need those traps, i got the same deal going on but i am 3 weeks from harvest... if i were you i would take all plants out and give the place a good wipe down, spray the plants up with the oil, making sure you saturate and get under the leaves and on the top soil....


Well-Known Member
sticky strips are the way to go and neem works great but you can't just spray it once and expect it to cure your problem it takes a few regular sprayings and then preventative spraying so go with sticky traps is my advice


Well-Known Member
sticky strips are the way to go and neem works great but you can't just spray it once and expect it to cure your problem it takes a few regular sprayings and then preventative spraying so go with sticky traps is my advice
I agree it seems to take a few apps to rid problems... and once a week untill a few weeks from harvest is good preventive spraying I have found to work....


Well-Known Member
Hot shots "no pest" strips work wonders. One will do well in even a large large grow room. They do not effect plants either.


Active Member
Look into Predatory Nematodes. They will hunt out and kill the larvae in your soil so they don't eat your roots! They are a good natural way to kill off the gnats without poisoning your grow. Use the yellow sticky traps (on soil survace and around potter rim) in conjunction with the nematodes and this should fix you up.