Fan and branch leaves look like upside-down canoes!!!


Active Member
My leaf blades are curling down on the sides to the extent that they resemble upside down canoes. I think i have a slight fungus gnat problem, and am working to correct this, but I think the curled leaves may have a different cause.

Been growing in a mix of MG Organic and MG Moisture Control (Not using nutes as they are in the soil) and have not had any probs, besides the fungus gnats. 4 150W CFL's but not close enough to be heat stress. Some leaves are REALLY curled while some are unaffected and some are inbetween.

I'm just starting to flower so I can't start over and don't want her to die! What can this be????!!!!????:cry:

I can post pics later, have to go to class soon.


Active Member
Any ideas or suggestions on what could cause the leaf blades to curl down on the sides like this? It's got me worried cause I'm just starting to flower and can't bear to lose her now!


Well-Known Member

I beleave you need to research Ph issues. What happens is your plant can get a Ph problem that causes salt-lock which prevents it from processing nutes the way it should be. If the leafs are sagging and doing this you may be over-watering. I had the same issue and it turned out to be a Ph problem in which all you can do is wait a few days for the soil to dry out, then flush with Ph nuetral water (7). Research the GrowFAQ. :peace:


Well-Known Member
Mine do that if I have heat issues. Right now I have two growing past the light.. nothing I can do. All the upper leaves are canoes.


Well-Known Member
leafs will roll their margins downward to conserve moisture due to low relative humidity, can also be coupled wiht heat stress. extreme cases of over fert, like using the deadly mg soil will cause as well.
post some pics bra so we can decipher