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  1. Jolly G' the Giant

    Bigbang, Cheese, and Trainwreck grow

    check for a brand called plantmax here's the first one that I came to...
  2. Jolly G' the Giant

    galaxy and lumatek 1000watt digital ballasts

    thought I would toss this info into the mix...
  3. Jolly G' the Giant

    Astrolar Blankets for a DIY tent?

    REI has them check ->
  4. Jolly G' the Giant

    Extra security for your grow room

    any of these would do the trick.
  5. Jolly G' the Giant

    Converting PSI to CFM for CO2 tank

    I think you need something along this line ... . The regulator you have now, which is for a keg, is a pressure regulator. What you need is a flow regulator, which is the small graduated cylinder sticking out the top of the regulator...
  6. Jolly G' the Giant

    Vocabulary. wasnt covered in top thread
  7. Jolly G' the Giant

    can someone explain ec to me and how it works etc...?

    it's a measuremented of dissolved solids in a liquid. It measures the electrical conductivity of the liquid. The more dissolved solids "ions" the greater the conductivity. Most ppm is based off of this measure. There are different conversion factors 500/700. ex. (.1 ec = 50 ppm)/(.1 ec = 70 ppm)
  8. Jolly G' the Giant

    Cooltube set up

    To answer Yes
  9. Jolly G' the Giant

    Cooltube set up

    yeah extraction works fine unless your adding CO2. I use a bathroom fan rigged up to mine and it works great. I have a little space and it's only 3-6 degrees over ambient temp.
  10. Jolly G' the Giant

    Wind Turbine Question???

    depends on the output of the turbine and of course how windy your location is.
  11. Jolly G' the Giant

    MH Color Spectrum Question the numbers across the bottom are the Kelvin rating. or
  12. Jolly G' the Giant

    Hps/Mh Lights

    is this not what you're looking for: any idea on pulse start vs. ceramic metal halide?
  13. Jolly G' the Giant

    Brittle yellow bottom leaves with brown spots, help please

    are you checking your ph regularly? The leaves that are damaged will not always repair themselves. You should be looking at the new growth for changes. Plant looks ok, I think it will recover
  14. Jolly G' the Giant

    Check my photos

    not really aggressive, but yes I think it's a huge part of your problem. Sorry just input. Didn't mean anything by it
  15. Jolly G' the Giant

    Young plants' leaves drying up

    I would have to say your issue is either water (chlorine can do weird things), or soil. How do you check your ph and what kind of water are you using? Maybe try adding some lime and a bit of perlite to the soil. I find soil from outside when put in pots tends to settle and be not so airy. Just...
  16. Jolly G' the Giant

    Check my photos

    Get temps down and vent more fresh air.
  17. Jolly G' the Giant

    add second pot under main pot instead of REPOT?

    yup, works well. check---> GROWFAQ
  18. Jolly G' the Giant

    The Mad Science (research and basic knowledge)

    Coleus "(n.m. ive dubbed them need more, i have no idea what n.m. stands for)" nanometer: it's a description of the length of the wave 10^(-9) meters. different wave length = different color produced. check: I think I've seen this posted before...
  19. Jolly G' the Giant

    Help with plant

    Thank you for the information gentlemen. It seems that it was indeed a phos. def. have hit them with a 6-12-6 and the new growth is looking good. Thank you again... NotMine and CustomHydro
  20. Jolly G' the Giant

    quick tea question

    Ohsogreen, it helps tremendously. Thank you so very much. +rep 4 U. Will pick up some guano today and toss it in. Do you ever use humate in either soil prep or tea making? [jollygreengiant8] "i have to say nice name haha" Yours too.