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  1. GrowinBomb707

    Some one please help,clones nft

    get that stupid tin foil out from below ur plants, its causing hot spots..
  2. GrowinBomb707

    ONA gel/pads

    after buying 2 carbon filters, 1 for each flowering room.. the smell will sometimes escape the rooms and build up inside and outside, i put a 1 qt ona gel tub outside my rooms and thats it smell gone. by it self i cant tell you, but carbon filter and gel really have worked for me
  3. GrowinBomb707

    help ive got fungus

    sorry i just had to reply to this because i saw this. you could die from smoking weed huh? prove it! not that i would ever intentionally smoke moldy buds but come on dude get real! inhailing mold prolly not good, but inhailing burnt mold prolly not deadly...
  4. GrowinBomb707

    6 weeks into flower is it a hermie?

    6 weeks in to flower? dont waste ur time, that looks like strain grown for fibers not buds, with that light you should have some donkeys at 6 weeks... hermie/male/female? who cares ur just wasting ur time at this point. start over with good clones of a known strain keep ur temp range in...
  5. GrowinBomb707

    Need Help By An Experienced Grower!!

    to me it look like you need a better camera
  6. GrowinBomb707

    Need help from experienced indoor grower.

    5' warlocks under a 400?? are you out of ur mind? i just finished some 2' warlocks under 1000w not nearly enough light to get under the main canopy... i got tons of beautifual tops and a million little popcorn nugs not worth trimming.. keep them short or your just wasting ur time
  7. GrowinBomb707

    MrHowardMarks' experienced grower journal.

    sour d grows like a out of control weed falling over and stuff, the smoke sour.... the high is seriously stoney... not the best high... but extremly potiant ..... ive grown it 2 times indoor and 1 outdoor i wont be growing it again
  8. GrowinBomb707

    how much should i get per plant under 1000 watts

    never count your chickens b4 they hatch... guessing a yeild having never grown under those conditions would be a waste of time... id spend more on learning the best method and best use of your space... your skipping the basics and jumping to the finish line, that usally spells disaster! but best...
  9. GrowinBomb707

    Cannacopia's Chunky Cheese And Magnum, Envelope To Zig-Zag

    lady bugs!!! i put 1500 in my room and i get no mites/whiteflies/aphids
  10. GrowinBomb707

    1000 watts in a 4x4?

    outstanding quality!
  11. GrowinBomb707

    1000 watts in a 4x4?

    i grow in a 4x4 with a 1000w and i get very good results
  12. GrowinBomb707

    Mites in Week 1 Flower... Again!!

    dude!!! excellent advise!! i use ladybugs through out my whole grow. release maybe 100 a week and cover ur vents and you prolly wont see any bugs take over ur girls... works for me... also you can slow mites hatching by lowering temps 60-70 and lowering humidity below 50%
  13. GrowinBomb707

    cant get rid of whiteflies...

    oh, and i pluck the leaves i find any on!
  14. GrowinBomb707

    cant get rid of whiteflies...

    Ladybugs own whiteflies!!!
  15. GrowinBomb707

    Whiteflies... Strips??

    had em bad! got lady bugs! solved the problem... also i pick off the leaves with if they are too covered in them
  16. GrowinBomb707

    Highest THC Content?

    im a week and a half away from a warlock harvest, i have heard the same thing... ill update you on the smoke report :)
  17. GrowinBomb707

    Highest THC Content?

    lol that is an absolutly rediculas post.. maybe do a little research before blabing compleatly false info.. people look to this site for help and facts, not some jackass spouting off some junk his buddy claims his mom sisters bestfriends cousins dad knows a guy who grew a plant with 33% thc...
  18. GrowinBomb707

    marijuana halucinations?

    yes one nite i ate alot of brownies and was trying to sleep and i swore there was a chopper right above my house (keep in mind i was a week or so from my outdoor harvest and paranoia was in full force) but it seemed so real i could see it even though i was in bed i could see it as if i was...
  19. GrowinBomb707

    anyone tried this? i like it!

    a few more for fun :)
  20. GrowinBomb707

    anyone tried this? i like it!

    yes when i began this setup i wasnt planning on using the hydroton and my pump was pumping a lil too fast so the nft idea went out the window... now i just flood and drain it. altho if the roots still bind up i was thinking of using some pipe or tubing to keep water moving through... i still...