cant get rid of whiteflies...


i've got six little plants that are a few weeks old and have somehow developed a whitefly infestation... i have tried several things in the past week or so to get rid of them; crushed their eggs, tried a "pyrethrum?" spray, even tried a garlic/onion/cayenne pepper cocktail spray...there are less of them, but the lil' bastards are still there; anyone dealt with this in the past sucessfully?? what worked?


Well-Known Member
I had some when I first started growing, in the first few weeks, but I had a small enclosed area. I just caught tons of spiders and let them loose in my area, they took care of the problem real quick (Most of them were jumping spiders). Isnt really an option if you have a large growing area though. Also sprayed leaves with h2o2 regularly, not sure if that helped or not.


Well-Known Member
I use insecticidal soap by Garden Safe. It is basically salts of fatty acids. It does the trick.