Whiteflies... Strips??


Well-Known Member
What to do about whiteflies?? Reading around, i've heard about strips.. Anything in the average store I can get? What do you use?


Well-Known Member
I use fly paper too (( the type that you have to roll out,,a bit messy but it gets the job done)).....you should be able to get that from your local hardware shop or general store


Well-Known Member
Get some yellow duct tape.

Then tape it around itself fo its sticky on all outsides and stick it to cardboard.

White flies love the color yellow to you will soon be catching tons of them.


Active Member
you can also use a vacuum cleaner when the lights turn on its cooler in the room flies are sluggish easyer to catch.and its true they are attracted to certain shades of yellow usually nurseries have pre glued yellow cards for witheflies.the withfly population must increase to tremendous numbers before there is any apparent damage done to the plant directly.however if untreated the honeydew dropped by the whiteflies becomes an incubation spot for mold.


Active Member
well if you want a real predator for them go for Encarsia Formosa, the withefly predator.it lives off whiteflies only.


Well-Known Member
Wow! OK! THX U guys!! I'm growing in a part of the nation for the first time and I actually have never had to deal with the little cuties.. Appreciated:)