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  1. F

    is it too late to fix this? (brown leaves)

    ok here's the story i got plant food that i used and to was way too heavy so i got nitrogen abundence so i flushed it with a quarter gallon and it got water stress so i am having to clip leaves off with the nitrogen toxicity and and it started going bad because more leave were getting it so i...
  2. F

    odd plant problem (brown on leaf)

    ok so i believe i have fixed the problem and the plant is recovering well i believe the plant had nitrogen toxicity because the edges of the leaves were turning a dark sickly green color so i decided to still remove the top soil and i did try to flush it because it was getting worse but i...
  3. F

    odd plant problem (brown on leaf)

    iwas going to just rmove the top layer of soil with the nutes and replace with fresh potting soil [B] like i said earlyer i think i over watered a bit so i'll have to hold off on that for a bit
  4. F

    odd plant problem (brown on leaf)

    well like i said i didnt use as much i might just remove some from the soil if that is the problem
  5. F

    odd plant problem (brown on leaf)

    well the only thing i give it is vigoro plant food and i let it outside pretty much most of the daylight hours, also i do think i overwatered a bit so i am going to lay off of that and i only gave it about half of what they say because of the size of the pot anyway the mix is 15-30-15
  6. F

    odd plant problem (brown on leaf)

    i have an odd issue here today i saw some brown on a leaf of mine and it looked really odd so i immediately took the leaf off and took a picture. it was only on this leaf i checked on other leafs with it being nowhere else on the plant
  7. F

    Unkown problem help please

    i'd say spider mites too you should check your plant to night with a flash light under and on the leavesand if you see small little brownish bugs its spider mites and there are many ways to cure it
  8. F

    very serious problem, another grow and plants look stunted :(

    you should state what you are using for lighting ventilation nutes or watering schedule so the smarter growers can help you
  9. F

    advice for sick plant

    also some of the root heads will never develop
  10. F

    advice for sick plant

    by the way the white spots are nothing to fear they are new root heads once the plant is taller
  11. F

    Water ph high 7.8-8 and slow growth small new growth

    you can also get the ph down by letting the water sit for a couple days
  12. F

    SAY IT AIN'T SOOO, It's a motherfucking MALE???

    yea this is a dude i'd get it out as soon as possible
  13. F

    is my plant a male or female

    i now see what you guys are talking about i watched a detailed video about checking the sex of the plant and i see the buds are getting longer not fatter
  14. F

    purple on top of stems among other things (first grow)

    thanks, also i got rid of the mites like i said earlyer i dunked em in soapy water and let em sit today and 3 days ago so i can stop the mites i am going to probably do it a 3rd time just to make sure i also did repot the plant not too long ago
  15. F

    purple on top of stems among other things (first grow)

    great i am just talking to my self that is awesome to hear
  16. F

    SAY IT AIN'T SOOO, It's a motherfucking MALE???

    feminized seeds btw have a higher chance of being a herme
  17. F

    purple on top of stems among other things (first grow)

    ok so over the last 12 days i have done a couple things i first to completely get rid of the spider mites i dunked my plant in soapy water and let it sit for 10 min today and 3 days ago i also cut off most of the leaves that showed any sign of spider mites i also did find out what strain i got...
  18. F

    is my plant a male or female

    thanks, i just needed reassurance btw i have had the plant for just about 2 weeks i got it right after it finished veg stage it has grown about 3-4 inches and the little buds there developed about 4-5 days ago the plant is a foot tall
  19. F

    is my plant a male or female

    please just answer the question and let me deal with it
  20. F

    is my plant a male or female

    what do you mean by that because this is critical because i am going to bring this back the the grower if it is male