odd plant problem (brown on leaf)

fs psyco

i have an odd issue here today i saw some brown on a leaf of mine and it looked really odd so i immediately took the leaf off and took a picture.

it was only on this leaf i checked on other leafs with it being nowhere else on the plant


Well-Known Member
I Think is a minor toxicity. what have you feed it? I have had similar markings when I get too heavy on the cal mag. only on one leaf is not always something to be dismissed. keep an eye on things the first signs the best time to do something about it

fs psyco

I Think is a minor toxicity. what have you feed it? I have had similar markings when I get too heavy on the cal mag. only on one leaf is not always something to be dismissed. keep an eye on things the first signs the best time to do something about it
well the only thing i give it is vigoro plant food and i let it outside pretty much most of the daylight hours, also i do think i overwatered a bit so i am going to lay off of that and i only gave it about half of what they say because of the size of the pot anyway the mix is 15-30-15


Well-Known Member
well the only thing i give it is vigoro plant food and i let it outside pretty much most of the daylight hours, also i do think i overwatered a bit so i am going to lay off of that and i only gave it about half of what they say because of the size of the pot anyway the mix is 15-30-15
I couldn't be certain but I would suggest getting a nute with a more balanced ratio. 15-30-15 is a big jump....any time I've used a nute that drastic I've run into trouble


Well-Known Member
Straight water until wet wait 5 min. then dump another gallon through, this will strip any excess nutes then next watering feed a balanced veg nute


Well-Known Member
iwas going to just rmove the top layer of soil with the nutes and replace with fresh potting soil

like i said earlyer i think i over watered a bit so i'll have to hold off on that for a bit

It's still silly. All you have to do when you over water is let it dry out, so just let it dry and then flush it. Remember overwatering is not the amount of water you use but how often you use it

fs psyco

ok so i believe i have fixed the problem and the plant is recovering well i believe the plant had nitrogen toxicity because the edges of the leaves were turning a dark sickly green color so i decided to still remove the top soil and i did try to flush it because it was getting worse but i repotted the plant after i mixed the soil that i had left and the soil in the pot to kind of counter act the nutes and water and i even put a fan and even a hair dryer on the plant and i guess it worked because the leaves are perking back up from curling and drooping.