is my plant a male or female

fs psyco

i bought my plant 2 weeks ago from a grower through my sister and i am afraid im plant is male i am not sure though

fs psyco

what do you mean by that because this is critical because i am going to bring this back the the grower if it is male
i would call it a girl too.
Patience is going to be your friend give it a couple of days and let it settle in and she will flash you a sign .
And yes i am being serious .

fs psyco

thanks, i just needed reassurance btw i have had the plant for just about 2 weeks i got it right after it finished veg stage it has grown about 3-4 inches and the little buds there developed about 4-5 days ago the plant is a foot tall

fs psyco

i now see what you guys are talking about i watched a detailed video about checking the sex of the plant and i see the buds are getting longer not fatter