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  1. corey23

    how long would u say

    Thanks for the advise everyone much appreciated i hope she will finish soon but am in no rush to take her early
  2. corey23

    how long would u say

    Yes thats the company and so far i am its my first run wit them im using tap water also but all seemed well till recently a lil burn using boost and power rock Yeah im from palm beach born and rasied i also have 3 clones from here flowering outside there little girls tho
  3. corey23

    how long would u say

    Thanks and no i dont have a scope as off yet didnt get one cause she doesn't really look like shes finishing any time soon could that be a a bad thing if she takes long to mature
  4. corey23

    how long would u say

    Im in the 8th week of flower of my second grow close to the 9 week mark the strain is sour diesel im still seeing flower formation The buds are gaining alot of wieght the stems are all beginning to topple over the hair are still mosly white i was told she was a 10 week strain should i be worried...
  5. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    Thanks bro
  6. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    A lil update on my sour diesel grow at the end of week 6 flower 2nd grow all organic
  7. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    A update on my diesel grow end of week 4 flower on xtreme nutrients
  8. corey23

    how old do you think my buds are

    I agree with scarecrow around 2 weeks
  9. corey23

    xtreme nutrients bloom help

    It says thats for xtreme veg
  10. corey23

    xtreme nutrients bloom help

    Hey thanks but i had already checked there site and it says the same for bloom that my chart says which is what the ppm should be when adding bloom not an amount i was wondering if some one could say from experience that they used so many ml of bloom per gallon to achieve the desired ppm
  11. corey23

    xtreme nutrients bloom help

    I just purchased a bottle of xtreme nutrients bon vivant bloom the only problem is there are no instructions on how much per gal only what the ppms should be can anyone give me Advice on how much per gallon of water i should add i have other products from them that seem to work well i will like...
  12. corey23

    is this Potassium Deficiency

    Thanks i was using some Chemical ferts around the time i noticed since ive flushed and started using organic she already in organic soil
  13. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I have 1x125w 3x26w 1x55w and 1x42w cfl u sound like u should have plenty if your goin to do 2 plants i let mine get kind of leggy but she slowed alot and is really starting to flower u should lst thats what i did or even try a scrog to get a better yeild
  14. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    I did keep my same 125w cfl veg light but i added 178w's of 2700k cfls
  15. corey23

    is this Potassium Deficiency

    Hey guys thanks for the replies the strain is purple diesel the soil is a mix of mg organics choice and mg natures care organic soil ... the temps are 84 when lights are on and 70 when off no nutes during veg soil had plenty i started flower with pure blend pro bloom soil and miracle grow liquid...
  16. corey23

    is this Potassium Deficiency

    Hey im 3 weeks into 12/12 i just started noticing this is it Potassium Deficiency or nute burn and what steps should i take to correct
  17. corey23

    Red party cups

    Im interested in known how this is done aswell
  18. corey23

    ANY ADVICE 2nd grow

    Ok am at 2 1/2 weeks ok 12/12 she is now under 300w's of cfl i also stoped feeding her miracle gro cactus formula and now feed her pure blend pro bloom for soil xtreme nutrients juice and xtreme nutrients rhino drive all i believe are organic
  19. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    Thanks .. i would also like to add this one if its ok this is a grand daddy purp 4 days old in organic soil and will be feed organic nutes
  20. corey23

    The Noobie Grow Off

    Thanks .. i would also like to add this one if its ok this is a grand daddy purp 4 days old in organic soil and will be feed organic nutes