how long would u say


Active Member
Im in the 8th week of flower of my second grow close to the 9 week mark the strain is sour diesel im still seeing flower formation The buds are gaining alot of wieght the stems are all beginning to topple over the hair are still mosly white i was told she was a 10 week strain should i be worried the nutes are by xtreme nutrients im using there bloom base ,juice,boost,rhino drive,and power rock 20140920_071416.jpg20140920_071229.jpg 20140919_183702.jpg 20140920_071435.jpg 20140920_071136.jpg 20140920_071416.jpg 20140920_071229.jpg 20140919_183702.jpg 20140920_071435.jpg 20140920_071136.jpg


Active Member
Good looking plant, do you have a scope to look at them? They look like they could still go a while, in my opinion
Thanks and no i dont have a scope as off yet didnt get one cause she doesn't really look like shes finishing any time soon could that be a a bad thing if she takes long to mature


Well-Known Member
You still have some time to go, two, three weeks maybe more, judging how long you have to go is not an easy task, lighting, temp, strain, etc, aside from using a scope, as the more you grow, the more you can tell by sight, at least that's how I can tell if my girls are ready, tho I do from time to time check with my scope, you really can't go by the breeders time line.


Well-Known Member
There is too many variables to get into, it's kinda like when they're done, they're done.

We could start with the exact same set-up but will finish in different times.

I would say at least another couple weeks. If not more, maybe even a month.

The only thing ill say for certain, those aren't ready. Looking good though


Well-Known Member
Thanks and no i dont have a scope as off yet didnt get one cause she doesn't really look like shes finishing any time soon could that be a a bad thing if she takes long to mature

I noticed you said you use extreme nutrients, is that the same company "the art of growing well?" Where you happy with them? Did you use RO water? And if so, was there a cal mag defiantcy?

Just noticed your from Palm beach, move love to 561. I used to run round them parts, originally from that area.


Active Member
Yes thats the company and so far i am its my first run wit them im using tap water also but all seemed well till recently a lil burn using boost and power rock

Yeah im from palm beach born and rasied i also have 3 clones from here flowering outside there little girls tho


Active Member
Thanks for the advise everyone much appreciated i hope she will finish soon but am in no rush to take her early