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  1. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    gunna bump it
  2. Ig0t5on1t

    i want to grow a pound per plant

    depends where you are. i think alot of place in the U S are beggining the flowering stage so im not sure topping is a good idea if you live here. here in New england flowering hasnt started and im gettign pissed because i dont know when it does
  3. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    also its not just me i gut a partner
  4. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    dont know but theres almost 200 acres im sure ill find somewhere lol.
  5. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    all those things sound wonderful. id love to be able to haul a whole bunch of compost and potting soil to this secluded location but once again, i cant. im talking about using the native soil ONLY and not bringing in compost or anything that is going to be cumbersome to carry. im bringing...
  6. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    yeah. im a lil scared of burning them but im also gunna put the fertilizer down a few weeks before planting and im also going to be goin very easy on it. mind you i will be seeing them atleast once a month at which time i can add some fish emulsion water one gallon a peice.
  7. Ig0t5on1t

    Hiding money any ideas?

    id say bury it in a tin somewhere only you would find it. the cops will search your home till they cant search it anymore. theyll look everywhere. as in any holes cans appliances and everything. they might even rip stuff apart like pillows and couches. i think burying it is the best idea...
  8. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    bump ity
  9. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    anyone else have luck with this?
  10. Ig0t5on1t

    i want to grow a pound per plant

    growing a pound per plant will be easy as long as it gets alot of sun and as long as you use LST, topping and fimming methods to increase the amount of budsites. lst will make all the side branches turn to main cloas and topping/fimming those branches will give you even more budding points...
  11. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    haha yeah man thats awsome. yeah i hope the spot i gut is as good as the one you gut. im gunna spread some dry fertilizer down tho too that way when it rains itll get some food as well.
  12. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    what did you feed them?
  13. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    wow then this is definatly doable. you said there were no amendments? or did you use the peat moss mix you stated earlier? if there are truley no amendments then im good to go with my original plant because you had a pretty nice pull with just the native soil. thats very nice thank you for...
  14. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    yeah no probelms with the deer this year. i use a garlic/soap spray for insect that they hate and is not toxic to smokers and also i used "animal off" which was available at my local gardeing store. its mad from cayenne peppers which burns their fuzzy little noses if they stick their face in it.
  15. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    yeah man sounds really good if you have 1- 10 plants but its a lil different here. the situation is this. this is a very rural area that will probably have to be hiked. i do not have a truck to carry all of the good soil or compost or anything of that nature in there. hell the truck would...
  16. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    yes im aware of the raccoons and other animals that like the smell of bonemeal and bloodmeal. BUt, i figure if i apply the bone/blood meal and amend the soil early enough, then it will give it time to settle in and allow any investigating critters to find nothing and move on rather than doing...
  17. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    nope not my first grow man. ive had a few and ive been having pretty good luck with growing straight in the ground this year. but, this year i used one 40 lb bag of potting soil per hole and i have about 15 plants.
  18. Ig0t5on1t

    good size grow next year.

    alright all i gut a question for ya. i know that the best way to grow out side is to blend in your crop with all the other vegetation and dig large holes and fill with good quality potting soil. but the problem with next years op, is that it is pretty large. im thinking about 50 clones put...
  19. Ig0t5on1t

    any one in the north east flowering??

    this is the best way to go. ensure you have all females by taking cuttings from the plants after sexing them inside. then once the soil warms up, get em in their.
  20. Ig0t5on1t

    any one in the north east flowering??

    i had one male and the others arent showing. i hear sativas show later and flower starts later than indicas or indica/sativas. i had a bagseed about 3 feet tall that was male. and the rest i dont know. im getting pissed!