good size grow next year.


Active Member
I just dug a large whole filled with compost. You can find good compost very cheap for a very large bag. Mine included Vermiculite and Sphagnum peat moss. The peat moss itself gives the plant enough nitrogen when it is vegging and when you need to add more nitrogen just add another inch or two of the compost on top of the soil. When my soil would look old and stale it would be right around when my plant would start to yellow from nitrogen deficiency, and the compost perked it right up every time. Along with the compost some feedings of fish emulsion.

When it is flowering keep adding your inch or two of compost every now and then but start to use molasses and if you would like you could even put a little wood ash in there.

Every time I have done this the plants have exploded and the roots love it. Plus everyone knows all bud comes out better with all organic rather then synthetic fertilizers
all those things sound wonderful. id love to be able to haul a whole bunch of compost and potting soil to this secluded location but once again, i cant. im talking about using the native soil ONLY and not bringing in compost or anything that is going to be cumbersome to carry. im bringing bone meal, blood meal maybe some dry fertilizer, and perlite. i like the wood ash idea. can probably squeeze that stuff into a compact container. but like i said, i cant really haul stuff like compost or potting soil in


Well-Known Member
so how far are you gonna spread these 50's out :|

im gonna do a good 20 plant, and i think thats a bit much :|