good size grow next year.


Active Member
alright all i gut a question for ya. i know that the best way to grow out side is to blend in your crop with all the other vegetation and dig large holes and fill with good quality potting soil. but the problem with next years op, is that it is pretty large. im thinking about 50 clones put into predug holes but without the potting soil. i was thinking of finding a nice sunny area and bringing in supplements for the soil. perlite, blood meal bone meal etc. has anyone ever tried pre dug holes without the potting soil and just used the native soil with supplements in it? i mean i want to make the holes decent size so the roots will spred like fire. so pretty much i was thinking of atleast 4 40 lb bags worth to fill it. thats simply not possible. i dont have a truck or an atv to haul shit in there and carrying 200 bags of potting soil is both backbreaking and also expensive. what do you guys think? gimme so feed back. preciate it fellas.


Well-Known Member
wana know a big problem with blood/bone meal outdoor? carnivors. they will uproot everything looking for the meal.


Well-Known Member
alright all i gut a question for ya. i know that the best way to grow out side is to blend in your crop with all the other vegetation and dig large holes and fill with good quality potting soil. but the problem with next years op, is that it is pretty large. im thinking about 50 clones put into predug holes but without the potting soil. i was thinking of finding a nice sunny area and bringing in supplements for the soil. perlite, blood meal bone meal etc. has anyone ever tried pre dug holes without the potting soil and just used the native soil with supplements in it? i mean i want to make the holes decent size so the roots will spred like fire. so pretty much i was thinking of atleast 4 40 lb bags worth to fill it. thats simply not possible. i dont have a truck or an atv to haul shit in there and carrying 200 bags of potting soil is both backbreaking and also expensive. what do you guys think? gimme so feed back. preciate it fellas.
I use lots of well composted manure and homemade compost. I double dig my planting area and then I mulch with a layer of fresh compost and chopped leaves. It seems to work just as well, it is hard work amending the soil but compost is much cheaper to buy and even cheaper to make compared to potting soil. I also add some wood ash to the mix for a nice boost during flower :peace:


Active Member
is this your first grow.
nope not my first grow man. ive had a few and ive been having pretty good luck with growing straight in the ground this year. but, this year i used one 40 lb bag of potting soil per hole and i have about 15 plants.


Active Member
wana know a big problem with blood/bone meal outdoor? carnivors. they will uproot everything looking for the meal.
yes im aware of the raccoons and other animals that like the smell of bonemeal and bloodmeal. BUt, i figure if i apply the bone/blood meal and amend the soil early enough, then it will give it time to settle in and allow any investigating critters to find nothing and move on rather than doing it the same night as planting causing damage to the root system. i was thinking about a couple weeks before hand. that way the smell of the meal will be settled in. i put bonemeal into the holes i made this year real early. about 2-3 weeks before i planted. and so far, no animals digging up my roots.


Well-Known Member
I'd worry about deer more than any other animals except humans of course. but once the plants are established deer don't seem to mess with them


Active Member
I use lots of well composted manure and homemade compost. I double dig my planting area and then I mulch with a layer of fresh compost and chopped leaves. It seems to work just as well, it is hard work amending the soil but compost is much cheaper to buy and even cheaper to make compared to potting soil. I also add some wood ash to the mix for a nice boost during flower :peace:
yeah man sounds really good if you have 1- 10 plants but its a lil different here. the situation is this. this is a very rural area that will probably have to be hiked. i do not have a truck to carry all of the good soil or compost or anything of that nature in there. hell the truck would probably not even make it. so, if the soil is good enough, i want to just add a few things and that way i dont have to carry alot of potting soil in. id be carrying a few bags of fertilizer probably 10 10 10 which i would spread over the area a few weeks before planting to give some nutrients for the plants. i will also use bone/blood meal. but the main point here is to minimilize the amount of soil and or compost needed to bring out there. im also not going to be driving to it frequently so im not going to be there much. and i find that the plants do just as good when you dont love them to death. i mean the ones ive planted have gotten maybe 3-4 waterings with fish emulsion water since theyve been in the ground and thats since early may and i have one that is like a bush a foot taller than me. the rest are not too far behind. but next year, im steppin it up a notch.


Active Member
I'd worry about deer more than any other animals except humans of course. but once the plants are established deer don't seem to mess with them
yeah no probelms with the deer this year. i use a garlic/soap spray for insect that they hate and is not toxic to smokers and also i used "animal off" which was available at my local gardeing store. its mad from cayenne peppers which burns their fuzzy little noses if they stick their face in it.


Active Member
wow then this is definatly doable. you said there were no amendments? or did you use the peat moss mix you stated earlier? if there are truley no amendments then im good to go with my original plant because you had a pretty nice pull with just the native soil. thats very nice thank you for your input!
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Well-Known Member
home made compost tea 2 times a month that is also the only time I watered. I grow in paradise.


Active Member
haha yeah man thats awsome. yeah i hope the spot i gut is as good as the one you gut. im gunna spread some dry fertilizer down tho too that way when it rains itll get some food as well.


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt put dry fertilizer down because you can never know how much nutes are goin down into the soil when it rains. This may cause some burn that can ruin parts of your plants.


Well-Known Member
I just dug a large whole filled with compost. You can find good compost very cheap for a very large bag. Mine included Vermiculite and Sphagnum peat moss. The peat moss itself gives the plant enough nitrogen when it is vegging and when you need to add more nitrogen just add another inch or two of the compost on top of the soil. When my soil would look old and stale it would be right around when my plant would start to yellow from nitrogen deficiency, and the compost perked it right up every time. Along with the compost some feedings of fish emulsion.

When it is flowering keep adding your inch or two of compost every now and then but start to use molasses and if you would like you could even put a little wood ash in there.

Every time I have done this the plants have exploded and the roots love it. Plus everyone knows all bud comes out better with all organic rather then synthetic fertilizers


Active Member
I wouldnt put dry fertilizer down because you can never know how much nutes are goin down into the soil when it rains. This may cause some burn that can ruin parts of your plants.
yeah. im a lil scared of burning them but im also gunna put the fertilizer down a few weeks before planting and im also going to be goin very easy on it. mind you i will be seeing them atleast once a month at which time i can add some fish emulsion water one gallon a peice.