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  1. apro

    Nirvana Has Failed ME!!!!

    nevermind, i found it........... im so lazy
  2. apro

    Nirvana Has Failed ME!!!!

    what's the url for Dr. Chronic seedbank?
  3. apro

    Fox Farms Grow Big - Bat guano & Earthworm castings

    i got a question? i been looking around,an i can't find any places that sell Fox Farm products.Where do you peeps get fox farm products at? i'm looking for fox farm ocean forest soil, thanks
  4. apro

    Im growing again!:)

    good luck m8, keeps us updated.
  5. apro

    My Plant 'bout 1 month old

    is there anyway you can stick the plants outside where they can get more sunlight and some air, if you can thats what i would do.
  6. apro

    My Plant 'bout 1 month old

    probably going to need to get it in a bigger pot soon too.mines almost a month old its in a 3 gal pot now.i transplant from a cup after about week 1/2.i been adding about 1/2 cup of miracle grow planting seed every 5-6 days just to giveit a little boost. you need to lower your lighting for sure...
  7. apro

    How these look? 1st timer

    hell yea the more light the better, if you can get like 2 2oowatt cfl's (your babies will really love you then :P) Try keep the lights as close to the plants as possible without burning them.cfl do produce alot of more heat etc. How big is the closet? an how many watts is your plant light?
  8. apro

    How these look? 1st timer

    how big is the pot? i use everything and anything.... buckits,folger coffee tubs, paint cans,etc etc (just make sure you rinse with hot water before adding soil). when i started out growing mine i use the same kind of cups you used, after a week or so i then moved them to there permanent spot in...
  9. apro

    what do u think (pics)

    make sure ya keep us updated on the progress m8
  10. apro

    what do u think (pics)

  11. apro

    what do u think (pics)

    mmmmmmmmmmmm...they look pretty. how old are your babys? looking good
  12. apro

    How these look? 1st timer

    move light to about 8" above plants, plants are stretching way to much because lamp is set to high also dont plant more the ONE seed in a cup, roots will get tangled up with each other and it will be very hard to transplant it to a pot. also you need to fill each cup up with soil leave about...
  13. apro

    black light question?

    July 26,2008, from your guys view, do they look like they are healthly?
  14. apro

    black light question?

    found my answer, just happpen to scroll down after i was done with my thread an found a similar thread about blacklights. i guess a blacklight is out of the question :P remine me to hit my brother in the gut. still any information you guys got i would appreciate it very much.Thanks .i'm sure...
  15. apro

    black light question?

    i been growing my plants for about month now, one is at about 9" the other is at about 11".This is my first time growing so i decided it would be best to start out small an grow outdoors.I still can't tell if there males or females, i believe i have one male/one female,but still not sure just...