How these look? 1st timer


Active Member
do i just dig out around each plant nd move em to a seperate pot? I dont wanna just go nd dig em out nd fuck up the roots or something.


Well-Known Member
do it cerafull. you should sperate them, now, when its easy to be done.
fill the sup with soil.
theyre look healthy except for streaching.
do u use fan? you shouldnt grow without one.


Well-Known Member
as i see you dont have holes at bottom of cups.
if you wont make them, plants will die soon.


Active Member
move light to about 8" above plants, plants are stretching way to much because lamp is set to high also dont plant more the ONE seed in a cup, roots will get tangled up with each other and it will be very hard to transplant it to a pot. also you need to fill each cup up with soil leave about 1/2 in from the top( Fox farms ocean forest soil is good)
If i where you i would just start over........ doesn't look like there that old.


Well-Known Member
THOSE=STRETCH-ZILLA. OMG LOL. Replant them and put the soil to 1 inch from the circle leafs. and then move your lights closer!


Active Member
Alright so pretty much i just needa start over and move the lights 8" from top of plant? If i got a big pot, should i only do 1 seed also? or can i get like 3-5 in there? I only got 2 lights (need diff on money, ne ideas?) and i want atleast 2 female plants.. and idk what the chances of gettin a female compared to a male so i needa plant a few right?


Well-Known Member
you should do 1 plant per 1 pot.

never grow more than 1 plant in each pot.

no need to start over again, just buy normal pots with holes at the bottoms, so water could go out.


Active Member
how big is the pot? i use everything and anything.... buckits,folger coffee tubs, paint cans,etc etc (just make sure you rinse with hot water before adding soil).
when i started out growing mine i use the same kind of cups you used, after a week or so i then moved them to there permanent spot in pots (10" in width, 10" in length) i only have one plant per pot.(when you move them make sure you have a ball-sized clump of soil around your roots of the plants.(wear gloves too)

how big is your grow room? and how many plants are you plan on growing? what kind of lights do you have?


Well-Known Member
10 plants in small grow room? i think you dont realize how big they will grow.

how big is your growing area?


Active Member
hell yea the more light the better, if you can get like 2 2oowatt cfl's (your babies will really love you then :P) Try keep the lights as close to the plants as possible without burning them.cfl do produce alot of more heat etc. How big is the closet? an how many watts is your plant light?


Well-Known Member
veg CFL's are 6400k and flowering are 2700k

watch spectrum first buying a bulbs.

you can use flowering CFLs for VEG too if you dont want to spend money for 2 bulb types, they will do fine.


Active Member
Kanna wat u mean?

and nemad, once the plants go into flowering stage and i can determine the sex of the plant, im going to remove the males.. so if theres like 5 males.. then im only gonna have 5 plants. The size of the area is like 6 feet tall and dropping(under stairs) Length is about 6feet and about 3 feet wide

in my plant light, its like either 60 or 80.. i forget