My Plant 'bout 1 month old


Active Member
Well... this is my first plant. Im growing it indoors but in a window. I havnt used any fertilizer or anything. Just water when it gets a little dry. It has 3 leaves. Im pretty sure it should be bigger. Would miracle grow work? haha. any suggestions would be helpfull. oh btw, why are the 2 bottom leaves droopy?

Im not sure how it grows either... it seems to grow from the top, so what are the 2 little leaves doing? I thought it grow like, a pyramid kinda. Also, can u tell if this is male or female?

Will any fluorescent light do? Can I just buy the fluorescent bulbs from my local store and put it in my desk lamp? Wow... I feel like a noob. like, does it really matter if I dont have blue or red lights?
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Well-Known Member
it looks like you need more light...and your FAR from being able to sex the plant yet.


Well-Known Member
sex means tell difference between male female right? anyways yes, more light watering looks good. i suggest a small light in a lamp to go with that. sativa looking too :) mines a little bush lol


Active Member
probably going to need to get it in a bigger pot soon too.mines almost a month old its in a 3 gal pot now.i transplant from a cup after about week 1/2.i been adding about 1/2 cup of miracle grow planting seed every 5-6 days just to giveit a little boost. you need to lower your lighting for sure though.
i'm also growing mine outside right now intill i can get some more money saved up, then i'll probably start growing indoors.



Active Member
is there anyway you can stick the plants outside where they can get more sunlight and some air, if you can thats what i would do.


Well-Known Member
definitely needs a fan blowing air on it (strengthens/thickens main stem).

it could use some more light too; could you set it outside the window on a trellis-type flowerbed/on the ground/in front of a sunnier window?

you'll be able to tell the gender when you start seeing growths at the nodes (balls/sacs = male, hairs/V-shaped for vagina = female).

you'll eventually want to put it into a bigger pot to give the roots more room to grow...meaning bigger plant...meaning bigger buds.

looks fine though!
stick around and learn! this is my first real grow, and i've learned a LOT in the past few months.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
that shit is fuckeddddddd! start some new seeds or something!

Thats some fuck shit to say bro. Some dumb shit said the same about my grow *that was looking a lot worse than this* and i have some beautiful plants now!

Don't pay attention to Farmer......just get a 4 pack of 6500k cfl's and some cords/plugs and put that on the plant and you'll see a huge difference!


blazin waffles

Well-Known Member