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  1. S

    Things to Know About Lighting

    I was wandering about making an un used fridge for a grow box. Its your standard fridge nothing special. I think its perfect because its all sealed up. LIghting is allready installed, By the way can anyone recomend light settings for a space of this size. i think all i will have to do is fab a...
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    grow box out of unused refrigirator

    ok so i havent built it yet. I was wandering if its ever been done and if yes can i have some pointers.:joint: I have never really done anything illeagal;/ section 8
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    i plan to buy one and do as you all have but what i wana know first is how tall can the plants grow in the ag.
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    first time grower

    what do you think about the areogarden if i just had maby 2 is that thing capeable of growing seed to harvest. i wana try to avoid any possible fukups. seeing that its my first real go. Is it wirth investing? after all im just tryn for a little personal vegies.
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    need advive on areogarden

    im gettn ready to start some big bud seed 1 or 2. anyway ive seen the areo garden advertized on the times. It looks like it may be handy for my small project. Im wandering though can you gro in that thing from seed to harvest. It seams sort of small. I am trying to keep it really simple seen...
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    help with set up

    i recomend reading the cannabis grow bible you can download it even. just google it!
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    first time grower

    :peace:Although this is my first real grow i have in the past expeirmented with some shwag seeds. However i feel im ready to really give it a go. so ive bought some bc big bud seeds from the depot. but what im wandering about is space. how much space do i need for 1-5 plants, how many lights...
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    going to california [potentially growing]

    yeah man if ure already going to counseling id say their is already a problem. In other words ure probably already under a microscope. Also trust me senthitic urin gets real high and dosent always turn out to be a sure thing! I may be new to growing but ive benn smoking for 12 years. listen to...
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    Sweet God frow BC Bud Depot

    ive never grown before but its in the works. I have read the grow bible front to back several times wich i have found to be very informational. Anyway I orderd some bcbd seeds from the depot. it was only a few days ago but now i cant even axses their web page. I figured that because it was a...