going to california [potentially growing]


Active Member
ok so i am COMPLETELEY new to growing

however i've been educating myself on it for a few days now

so i'm moving out to cali [san diego]

and i'm going to be getting my own room
which is kickass cause i live in an apatment here in tulsa, ok at the moment

but i wanna know what you guys think!

my mom wants me to keep me 'clean'
through highschool

also i might have to go to drug counseling

i know how i'll get around UAs and shit

that's no problem

but i wanna grow my own and eliminate the need to go out and look [not that it's not easy to find bud in cali or so i've heard]

i've seen alot of small box grows and single plant grows like in computers and such i think an aero garden could easily be disguised in a locked cabinet which i only have access to.
but idk

like no other
scrog methods
and i've heard of growing single plants in a speaker
[let me know if you know any other steakthy methods of growing indoors]
i wanna disguise my little girl so i can check and nurture her daily and care for her..

so i'm thinking a strain of feminized seeds?

probably best for 1 plant at a time

i'm not looking to produce oz yeilds quite just yet since i'll be livin with my mom two aunts and uncles

which i'm sure all used to smoke and are all pretty chill, 'cept for mom

sorry anyways to get to the point should i really even attempt to grow?
i would hate to see such a beautiful plant incinerated or in the trash left for dead. 'i've got 5 adults in my house but i have own private room and closet so

should i go for it?

or hang tight and just smoke til i can get outta my house?

i might be able to form a pact with one of my aunts or something [she used to be a pothead so she shouldn't narc or any bullshit]

i was also thinking of making friends with someone who for sure won't fuck me over and co-grow with him/her [random thought: wouldn't that be a beautiful relationship to have with a gf as a fellow stoner who you raise and nurture a plant into maturity with? like a love child or something? asorry i'm weird]
but yeah

and also
i was diagnosed with depressionat some point last year

and i hate that i have to take a stupid SSRI taht doesn't even do what it's supposed to do

do i really have to be 18 to get medical mary?

can i get it some other way?

please reply!!

i need some advice /help/thoughts/input/insight


constructive criticism is welcome

also thoughts on whether it would be safe to order rolling papers and

seeds/grinders/bongs/pisstestpassers/and that kinda shit online?

i was thinking specifically about www.everyonedoesit.com

alright sorry for the novel, peace out. toke it up!:joint::blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha. be nice. i read it, i hear you. BUT, dont do it. you need the right place, not only away from fam, but a good size. i just had my first harvest from one plant, trust me not worth it unless you got more than a few plats. youre better off buying from the mexican at school.


Well-Known Member
Don't grow. It ain't your pad. Do it with permission, or get your own place. I live with family too, but it's my name on the lease. Everyone's cool with it, but it wouldn't matter if they weren't. If you're determined to do it anyway(you prick), the Aerogarden might be the way to go. You should be able harvest around a half ounce, or so I've read. Only problem is that you can't hide the smell.

Your idea of finding a partner is kind of intriguing. It occurs to me that a guerrilla grow would work best with this kind of arrangement. You might want to scout some potential locations.

Dude, wait till you're 18 and get a script. I know months seem like years when you're a teen, but be patient. We all smoked before medical bud existed here in Cali, so there's no reason why you can't make do without a prescription. I do.

I've taken antidepressants in the past and since you're already taking them, stick with it. Bad shit can happen when you get off the stuff cold turkey.

You planning on using mom's card to buy your head shop shit online? Find a brick and mortar store. They're not hard to find. I'm in OC and I can think of 3-4 that are all within a five mile radius.


Well-Known Member
Listen to your mom, she is the best friend you will ever have, and friends watch out for friends. Your in high school, you have other things to worry about other than smoking weed. Finish school then smoke all you want. I am going to tell you the same thing I told my kids, "you are not smart enough to smoke weed yet". From the sounds of your post, you seem naive. I would venture to guess this is what MM patients do not want to see, this sort of thing is what makes it difficult for everyone and becoming one of those on the wrong side of the statistics.
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Active Member
yeah man if ure already going to counseling id say their is already a problem.
In other words ure probably already under a microscope. Also trust me senthitic urin gets real high and dosent always turn out to be a sure thing! I may be new to growing but ive benn smoking for 12 years. listen to the others wait till you get your own pad. then grow youre ass off.


Well-Known Member
I'm fairly certain these forums are for members 18 and older. Finish school, get a job, get your own place....then come back here.


Active Member
hahaa ok thanks guys
i was kind of thinking i'd have to wait and shit
i've been sober for like a month and a half now
so i should be able to be allright

but thanks for all your guys' input!
i really appreciate it!


Active Member
Don't grow. It ain't your pad. Do it with permission, or get your own place. I live with family too, but it's my name on the lease. Everyone's cool with it, but it wouldn't matter if they weren't. If you're determined to do it anyway(you prick), the Aerogarden might be the way to go. You should be able harvest around a half ounce, or so I've read. Only problem is that you can't hide the smell.

Your idea of finding a partner is kind of intriguing. It occurs to me that a guerrilla grow would work best with this kind of arrangement. You might want to scout some potential locations.

Dude, wait till you're 18 and get a script. I know months seem like years when you're a teen, but be patient. We all smoked before medical bud existed here in Cali, so there's no reason why you can't make do without a prescription. I do.

I've taken antidepressants in the past and since you're already taking them, stick with it. Bad shit can happen when you get off the stuff cold turkey.

You planning on using mom's card to buy your head shop shit online? Find a brick and mortar store. They're not hard to find. I'm in OC and I can think of 3-4 that are all within a five mile radius.
hey thanks man, i really appreciate this post [and all others too!]

but i was just gonna add that i've got my own card, and i've been working and shit

but thanks anyways man this was REALL helpful.