help with set up


Active Member
gonna start a plant soon i was just wondering if anyone had any advice. I'm gonna be using a flourescent light, but i need to know what to do about soil. anythin i can just go out and grab from a store?


Well-Known Member
lots of ppl buy foxfarm brand from hydro stores. i go for the organic type soil from nurseries. i rekon they work great. but whatever you do try getting something withiout slow release ferts. there the tiny orange ball.


Well-Known Member
i was in your positions just awhile ago....but all i can say is READ ALOT...learn as much as you can BEFORE you start will make the entire process alot easier to understand, and work with....


Well-Known Member
yep..your gonna need ALOT of light....i didn't think i was gonna need that much, but then i started to read up about lumens, and light intensity and's nuts...that's why i've chosen to stick with CFL's, cause i can customize my entire light setup instead of just one big light on top, and a few on the side..i can put lights anywhere i can setup a hooktie!!!


Active Member
gonna start a plant soon i was just wondering if anyone had any advice. I'm gonna be using a flourescent light, but i need to know what to do about soil. anythin i can just go out and grab from a store?
One simple route is a bag of peat redi mix.
1/2 peat mix
1/4 perlite
1/4 vermiculite

You can also throw in some worm castings if they are readily available.