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  1. LlamaKing

    Church and Cheese Grow

    Gogo ganja grow!!!!
  2. LlamaKing

    electricity problem

    I know that my attic get HOT I am talkin 120+ in the less ventilated areas. If you do in fact live in ILL you have similar weather to me. It would be a shame to go through the trouble of wiring only to have your plants dry on the stick.
  3. LlamaKing

    Church and Cheese Grow

    Damn Med grower those things are comin along nicely ;)
  4. LlamaKing

    How to hide a Marijuana plant in you're backyard?.

    Hide it behind a rock, a big rock.
  5. LlamaKing

    Lets talk about SEX!

    Yeh I would give it a day or 2 yet, would be a shame to kill it b4 you are certain. From your pics I could see it goin either way still.
  6. LlamaKing

    What strain gives you the giggles

    "MOONROCKS gave me the giggles. pcp laced WHITE RHINO, rolled in a blunt with crack rocks sprinkled all over it." thanks on that from me.
  7. LlamaKing

    Painting soon

    I have painted many houses, both with rollers and sprayers. I can't say with certainty that it will harm your plants but I would'nt want to keep em inside. It stinks for days after a fresh coat and that smell will soak into cloths, I could see it affecting your plants negativly.
  8. LlamaKing

    What strain gives you the giggles

    I dont think smokin them would do anything, though I do not know as I have not tried.
  9. LlamaKing

    i think i have seeds in my plants

    I was not necessarily speaking solely of weed, ALL plants when producing seeds have less energy to produce the flowers. Its the way it is, I was no commenting about your posts I was posting a fact I learned from a basic botany class a few years back. Does this energy loss affect thc over the...
  10. LlamaKing

    i think i have seeds in my plants

    While I am no FDD I do know that when a plant has to use energy to make seeds it has less to make flowers. I don't know about you I want my plants makein flowers not seeds.
  11. LlamaKing

    What strain gives you the giggles

    Only thing that gives me the giggles is shrooms.
  12. LlamaKing

    Today I killed nine Skunk #1s in mid-veg

    I woulda moved em to the woods, and never came back. Not like deep in the woods, off a trail so if a smoker walked past he would know what to do.
  13. LlamaKing

    Can the lights be on too long?

    Just started some seeds, today they poked through. I am just wondering can I leave the light on 24hrs for a day or 2 or is that bad?
  14. LlamaKing

    Fake seeds??

    That was difficult to read. Not all seeds look the same, size and coloration may vary. Also perhapes the seed bank your ordered from didn't directly send you the seeds. They could have come from 2 diffirent places.
  15. LlamaKing

    Am I weird?

    If that was your only plant I would say keep it I mean WTF why not. If you got other plants you wana keep sensi you gota kill that hermie, if it is indeed a hermie, you will be shocked at how many seeds a few male flowers can put out there.
  16. LlamaKing

    Am I weird?

    While i can't really see whats goin on in the pics with the outlines on them, it DOES seem to me from the other pics that its a male/hermie. KILL IT if that is the case imo.
  17. LlamaKing

    Church and Cheese Grow

    GOGO pics medgrower.
  18. LlamaKing

    When IS the bowl cashed?

    While I value your input, is it nessicary to bash a person you don't know with such harsh terms. Also I understand that there is still SOME THC there but is it worth smokin for the taste you have to deal with for the little hight you will get.
  19. LlamaKing

    When IS the bowl cashed?

    A friend of mine once told me of a theory about the "cashedness" of a bowl. He proposed that after flame touched the herb you have effectivly cooked off all the trich's rendering the rest of the bowl MOSTLY useless. While I disagree that all of it is gone, it got me thinkin at what point is it...
  20. LlamaKing

    Any idea what this is?

    Not saying its not the mites, but in my yard we have caterpillers like yours that spin MASSIVE cocoons in tree branches. So I could see it being the caterpiller. When i say massive I mean it, I saw one once the size of a footballhad to be 10,000 pillers in there. /shudder