electricity problem


New Member
so me and my friend are wanting to grow a couple plants in his attic but there is no electricty outlets up in the attic to grow. so i was wondering if anyone could help me solve this crisis. oh and just an fyi we can't plug in shit into the outlets outside the attic cause my friend is 19 and still lives with his parents so need help anything will do.


Well-Known Member
wow you probably saw pineapple express and want to make a super strain:neutral: not gonna happen...anyway, wait till you move out or grow outdoors:peace: I'd say outdoors would be the better of those two options.


Well-Known Member
You gotta wire some shit up there. Find a main and strap on. You could prolly do this kind of work when your parents are out. Its not hard to run cable, make sure you turn the breaker off.

You gotta have your shit held down like a motherfucker if your gonna pull this off. You gotta have your shit taken care of in terms of odor and access (youll have to go up to water, ect. And the issue is his parents can NEVER go up there (unlikely his dad prolly smokes HIS doob up there.

The "additions" to the house have to be slick too, how confident are you in putting a hole in drywall and 3 hours later there being no trace but wet paint?


New Member
well accually kush express is the name of my pot pedaling service
ive been dealing for 2 years but i dont grow my own weed
but seriously how am i gonna make this electricity thing work?


Well-Known Member
well accually kush express is the name of my pot pedaling service
ive been dealing for 2 years but i dont grow my own weed
but seriously how am i gonna make this electricity thing work?
From reading what speedhabit told you I'd say you'd have a very hard time making it work. I still say grow outdoors.

btw, I seriously doubt you have a "pot pedaling service" named "Kush Express"...especially around 17...I could be wrong but I highly doubt it.


New Member
dude i really really need to do that and they nevr check up there they ahve been living there for 10 years and that attic is unknown to them its in my friends closet of his room
but i need you to help me
now im accually going to take a picture of this situtation and see if you can point out the different spots that need work
so keep checking in a few days
You gotta wire some shit up there. Find a main and strap on. You could prolly do this kind of work when your parents are out. Its not hard to run cable, make sure you turn the breaker off.

You gotta have your shit held down like a motherfucker if your gonna pull this off. You gotta have your shit taken care of in terms of odor and access (youll have to go up to water, ect. And the issue is his parents can NEVER go up there (unlikely his dad prolly smokes HIS doob up there.

The "additions" to the house have to be slick too, how confident are you in putting a hole in drywall and 3 hours later there being no trace but wet paint?


New Member
well on all the baggies i write kush express
and its really only to my friends i just buy wholesale from a operations house
From reading what speedhabit told you I'd say you'd have a very hard time making it work. I still say grow outdoors.

btw, I seriously doubt you have a "pot pedaling service" named "Kush Express"...especially around 17...I could be wrong but I highly doubt it.


Well-Known Member
Though general wiring is a simple task, you best watch closly what you do. Many people have burned down their houses because they can't figure out simple things like amps and ohms and overload wires which eventually break down. Generally speaking though yes it's not much more then finding a main copper and ground(If you are smart) and extending them.


Active Member
I know that my attic get HOT I am talkin 120+ in the less ventilated areas. If you do in fact live in ILL you have similar weather to me. It would be a shame to go through the trouble of wiring only to have your plants dry on the stick.