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  1. LlamaKing

    Praying its not a male, but need 2nd opinion

    That guy has balls!!! Kill it!!
  2. LlamaKing

    How To LST (Low Stress Training)

    Thats a nice post, I'm guna try this on one of my plants I think.
  3. LlamaKing

    They're all gone!!!!

    What you think is worse, Some douche stole your crop OR some weed hater burned it all up in a bonfire? I mean yeh it sux that there are douches like that out there but at least the herb will be used as oposed to being burt by some hater.
  4. LlamaKing

    They're all gone!!!!

    Yeh the cops coulda been there when you showed up.
  5. LlamaKing

    They're all gone!!!!

    That has got to be a horrible feeling, goin out all "I wonder how they are doin" only to get AWW FUCK!!!! I am guna smoke one for you right now.
  6. LlamaKing

    Hi I am new.

    lol should i be able to?
  7. LlamaKing

    Male or Female

    From what i can see i would say male. :(
  8. LlamaKing

    Hi I am new.

    Thanks medgrower.
  9. LlamaKing

    selling the extra?

    "yea i refuse to buy more then an eight,its to dangerous" I assume you meant eighth. At any rate its more dangerous to buy an eighth what? 3 times a week than a half once a week. in my area 1/2 is the same as 1/8 charge wise. I buy 1/2 every 2 weeks or so as opposed to buying 2 eighths a week...
  10. LlamaKing

    selling the extra?

    "Extra" weed is not a concept pot heads would understand, I know I dont It will all get smoked or cooked into food or made into hash. Or a huge party with a buncha friends where itsa "smoke yourself stupid" party. I think though that selling your crop adds in extra and unnessecary risk. I don't...
  11. LlamaKing

    look what i found!

    I see. I woulda taken the pic prior to repotting it.
  12. LlamaKing

    look what i found!

    I see a pot in that picture. and I am not speakin of the plant.
  13. LlamaKing

    selling the extra?

    I dont really see the point in growing if you smoke so little. Aside from likeing to grow. So your growing weed, you have too much and you want to unload surplus, and you sell some. You get busted you go to PRISON not jail prison. Now your in jail for selling herbs that you grew all because you...
  14. LlamaKing

    HELP! Can this plant be saved?

    yeh that dog was one lucky pup.
  15. LlamaKing

    This one be a boy or what?

    Unless you want seeds there is no good reason to keep a male plant alive. KILL IT!!!!
  16. LlamaKing

    Check out my pics

    Yeh thats a boy.
  17. LlamaKing

    selling the extra?

    "Whats extra bud?" ^this^ Selling leads to trouble ppl talk. It might not go around that you grow but it will that you have dank nuggies, its unneeded risk when you are already doin something risky. Cook up some ganja butter and make a ferast if you don't want it lying around your house.
  18. LlamaKing

    Hi I am new.

    yeh me and my friend know, its kinda a joint operation pun intended. I have always been a descret person. My concern is when i all of a sudden I have the dankest of dank nonstop all the time, eyebrows will raise.
  19. LlamaKing

    about the electric bill?

    Think of it like this a reptile cage uses about the same energy, do the police raid a house every time a new person gets a lizard? I wouldn't be concerned with it at all, if you are replace you light bulbs with compact floresent bulbs that should cut down on your total wattage. And pay your...
  20. LlamaKing

    Hi I am new.

    "oh and a good soil brand is foxfarm..steer away from miricale grow brands" lol I was speakin with my friend tonight and he said the same thing.