Hi I am new.


Well-Known Member
ok..so i dont have to ask you 300 questions what do you know..if you dont want to respond its ok..im just merely trying to help you and save your first grow..because my first grow..i fucked up big time when i thought i understood it..:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
ok so i am asuming your going to use the nutes that comes in that package (but like i said before i recomend organic instead of the chemical shit) but anyway..you should use the nutes every 3rd watering or when your plants look like they need it..you should start using your nutes in the 3rd week of growth..if you use it before that it can easily burn you plants and kill them..now when you first start off giving your plants the nutrients start off with 1/4th strenth recomended then work you way up to the full recomended amout..and i think you know but im just clarifying that you use the monkey juice grow for your veg and monkey juice bloom for flowering


Well-Known Member
oh and what i mean by "when your plants look like they need it" they will usually start to turn yellow at the tips of the leaves


Well-Known Member
now in your veg sate is how your going to determine who big you want your plant and how large you want your yeild to be..if you veg longer obvioulsy your going to have a bigger plant thats going to yeild more..but always remeber that your plants generaly gona grow 2 times the size in the flowering state so always leave room


Well-Known Member
water every other day or when you think it is needed..usually keep the soil moist..if you over water your plants will start to droop..just lay off the watering and theyll be fine..now when you swich to 12 hours of light into flowering...what ive read cheese usually ends flowering between 7-9 weeks..you know when your bud is ready to harvest is when the little white strains start to turn brown or orange..if you want more of a energetic high ive read to harvest on the early side and if you want a chill out high then you let the flowering complete


Active Member
I am with ya so far, planed on goin about a foot with them to get a a height of about 2.5-3ft. Not toppin either, not the first time at least.


Well-Known Member
alright thats a good idea not to top the first time you grow..sometimes toping doesent do shit it only gives a bigger yeild on some strains..you usually top if your limited in height and need it to bush out..and yeah thats a good height to start flowering at:blsmoke:


Active Member
"oh and a good soil brand is foxfarm..steer away from miricale grow brands"

lol I was speakin with my friend tonight and he said the same thing.


Well-Known Member
haha yup its the way to go..except i have used miricale grow soil in the past..it worked fine but foxfarm is a hell of alot better


Well-Known Member
hmm im trying to think if theres anything eles..i would tell you about drying and curing but thats at the very very end and i do a very weird and unorthadox way that for some reason only seems to work for me..i had a buddy who tryed my way and his weed turned out bad and he got pissed at me.:???: so i dont wanna steer you in the wrong direction


Well-Known Member
hmm im trying to think if theres anything eles..i would tell you about drying and curing but thats at the very very end and i do a very weird and unorthadox way that for some reason only seems to work for me..i had a buddy who tryed my way and his weed turned out bad and he got pissed at me.:???: so i dont wanna steer you in the wrong direction
i see you understand my bit about my cloning method, eh? ;)


Well-Known Member
"oh and a good soil brand is foxfarm..steer away from miricale grow brands"

lol I was speakin with my friend tonight and he said the same thing.
i am using MG soil right now myself and i say the same damn thing too ;)

shit is only better than nothing or the really cheap crap.... it does work though.


Well-Known Member
haha yup..its the worst feeling cause then you know there not gona ever take advice from you:cry: but whatever..oh yeah lama never tell ANYONE about your grow..yes i know the guy who gave you the clippings knows but please try not to tell anyone eles..ive heard plenty of stories of people getting busted after only telling a couple of there close friends..i know you like to brag trust me its hard for me to contain myself but just try to keep quiet


Well-Known Member
i am using MG soil right now myself and i say the same damn thing too ;)

shit is only better than nothing or the really cheap crap.... it does work though.
Indeed it does work so if thats your only option then go for it :joint:


Active Member
yeh me and my friend know, its kinda a joint operation pun intended.
I have always been a descret person. My concern is when i all of a sudden I have the dankest of dank nonstop all the time, eyebrows will raise.


Well-Known Member
brag about the great new hook up you found in the next county :)

time for creative stoner fiction... just keep the story simple so you dont fuck it up and make people wonder... base the new hook off of Strawberry from the old Cheech and Chong movies (sketched out war vet who is kinda scary) and that will explain why no one ever meets him.


Well-Known Member
Well I have decided to start growin due to genral displeasure of the quality of pot in my area.I was planing on starting out with this all in one kit with some clippings from a friend of mine. High Tech Garden Supply
Just i was just lookin for some newbie tips.

Thanks in advance.
looks good, lots of space, comes with everything you need, go for it if you can afford it