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  1. wouldnot

    Flushing soil at ph4.7, still 6.8 run off.

    I had another post showing my plants stalling, leaves drooping and getting pale. The droop may be the damp soil at the bottom, I've drilled plenty of holes now to sort that out. The paleness.... I measured the tap water ph at 7.5. Maybe it's gone up because we had lots of rain lately. (ppm...
  2. wouldnot

    Need a Doctor's Diagnosis. In trouble again....

    I fed them a couple of weeks ago. They were in seed raising mix and hadn't grown for weeks before that. They took off for a while then stalled again after I repotted.
  3. wouldnot

    Need a Doctor's Diagnosis. In trouble again....

    2 types of "premium" potting mix from the shop. Nothing fancy. No perlite. I didn't test run off because I only replanted a week or 2 ago and didn't water that much. It's half outdoor/half indoor. I just bring them in when I go to bed and put them under the light.
  4. wouldnot

    Need a Doctor's Diagnosis. In trouble again....

    It's tough to get the contrast on the leaves. I wish I was just freaking out but growth has stopped and they really look ragged and going pale in real life. I tried to take a few more pics but it's hard to get the color/focus right. Blotchy and clawing. Hard to get the contrast but it's...
  5. wouldnot

    Need a Doctor's Diagnosis. In trouble again....

    I had some seriously stunted seedlings a few weeks ago which were growing in seed raising mixture. They had stopped growing and were getting pale. I hit them a couple of times with some seaweed fertilizer that's high in Nitrogen and they started growing again. I've repotted and they've stalled...
  6. wouldnot

    HELP! Stunted Seedlings Starting to Yellow - 3 Weeks Old Outdoor Soil Grow

    4 different strains, autos and regulars.
  7. wouldnot

    HELP! Stunted Seedlings Starting to Yellow - 3 Weeks Old Outdoor Soil Grow

    Sorry mate, in my mind it was all clear, but that doesn't help anyone else ;-) I described the 4th plant above. It was in regular potting mix, it struggled the same as these ones. I took it out after 2-3 weeks, broke off much of the soil and planted in the veggie garden. It hasn't taken off but...
  8. wouldnot

    HELP! Stunted Seedlings Starting to Yellow - 3 Weeks Old Outdoor Soil Grow

    I thought the seed raising mix would get me past the first leaf set though. The other plant not pictured was straight into some prefertilized potting mix and it still ground to a halt.
  9. wouldnot

    HELP! Stunted Seedlings Starting to Yellow - 3 Weeks Old Outdoor Soil Grow

    Unfortunately I don't have a meter to test PPM. I'm thinking there could be a possibility of a water problem. Bit weird. There's a rain water tank here, the veggie garden really struggled when I watered using it. Only certain things like spinach, beans, radish would grow. Other veggies got...
  10. wouldnot

    HELP! Stunted Seedlings Starting to Yellow - 3 Weeks Old Outdoor Soil Grow

    I'm struggling with these plants. I've planted 4 different seeds (all different strains) and they are growing at a snails pace. They are 3 weeks old and hardly growing. They are getting pale and I don't know what to do. They are planted in seed raising mix. 3 days ago I flushed them with...
  11. wouldnot

    [PICS..] Curled leaves, yellow between veins, curled new growth, brown spots?

    It's been nearly 2 weeks since the last photos. I'm still struggling with this problem. Yesterday it really went worse. The leaves suddenly went yellow fast. I tried foliar feeding with epsom salts (I did it about 5 times). I been doing half strength nutes (canna terra flores) every 3 watering...
  12. wouldnot

    I say mg Def. 2nd opinion?

    Doesn't look like Mg to me. Is it too hot under your light?
  13. wouldnot

    [PICS..] Curled leaves, yellow between veins, curled new growth, brown spots?

    The soil is Plagron Royalty Mix. Prefertilized. No problems for the first month then problems. The images are on a web server using the tags.
  14. wouldnot

    Leaves turning radially and blotchy? Stumped. Pics inside.

    I've got a similar problem with the blotches and the curling. I have no idea what it is either. I can't find anything online.
  15. wouldnot

    Light Heat Burn?! Please Help New Grower here

    How far from the light was the leaf? It looks burnt to me.
  16. wouldnot

    First Grow, 4weeks in, help please :)

    Not looking too healthy. You could plant some news seeds in better soil while you experiment with those one. New ones will probably overtake them and you'll be happier in a couple of weeks.
  17. wouldnot

    [PICS..] Curled leaves, yellow between veins, curled new growth, brown spots?

    I'm having some trouble with these plants. I've tried a few things but I'm honestly stuck. The problems: Curled upper leaves. Light green between veins (this started from the middle of the plant). New growth is curled and the tips are light green. There are some brown spots on some leaves...
  18. wouldnot

    LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2

    The tap water is 7.7, should I make it higher to get the runoff up? Haven't touched nutes for a while. I'll probably top the widows, let them grow a bit first.
  19. wouldnot

    LED Panel Grow - Low Ryder #2

    Day 61... Couldn't get a group shot because the flash wasn't working. Tested pH off runoff of one plant. It's raised, still not ideal, but 1 more dose of dolomite lime should solve that. The rest of the plants didn't need water. Female #1 - looking good. Smells great, kinda sweet and...
  20. wouldnot

    Nitrogen Defiency? (pics)

    Looks like nute burn. All you can do is flush.