Leaves turning radially and blotchy? Stumped. Pics inside.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, completely baffled on what's happening with my plants. They've started 'turning' to the left and right and getting a weird light green blotchy mess on them.

Some back round info on these girls:
Chocolope kush clones. Taken from a mom in dwc, rooted in jiffy plugs and put right into 12/12 while transplanted into a 1 gal smartpot with FFOF and perlite 80/20. Watered with left out tap pHd to 6.5 when soils dry, no nutes at all yet.
Under two blackstar LEDs with temps at 81 lights on 75 lights off.

That being said the only real thing I can think of is maybe the OF being too hot for the fresh transplants? I have a few more clones to put in come another week or two and I've been thinking of doing a 'layered' mix of happy frog and OF. With the OF being the bottom half and the happy frog the top.

Also should note that I haven't added any lime to my soil. So I can maybe see this being a pH problem? Despite pHing everything? I don't know... Maybe I'm reaching. I've searched all over this place and haven't found anything on the leaves turning like this. Hoping it's something simple.

Any and all help is appreciated. :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Definitely a High Ph problem so try giving plain water at 6.5 or 1 gal of tap to 1 tbsp of molasses since it has traces of micro nutes and will lower the Ph,but do not over do the molasses if you if try it,it will and can cause severe acidosis in plants.The safest remedy to is fix your ph with water NO ADDITIVES cause it will then create salt build ups and toxicities of nutrients.
You may want to flush your soil also as it may have a lot of dust in it,just enough for some water to run out the bottom of the pot.


Well-Known Member
I usually water until 10-20% run off and haven't added anything but water so far. The pH has to be the only issue I can think of, I'll try some molasses and see where it gets me.


Well-Known Member
I've got a similar problem with the blotches and the curling. I have no idea what it is either. I can't find anything online.


Well-Known Member
I'm debating on trying to top dress with some lime to even out the soil? Don't want it to throw anything off though, think I'll be alright going mid flower?


Well-Known Member
It kind of resembles tobacco mosaic virus with the mottling of color.
I've also seen calcium deficiency do that to a plant. Ca helps cells replicate so if there is a deficiency there will be areas that don't grow evenly which can cause it to pull to one side like that.


Well-Known Member
Would a light feeding of some do the trick, you think? I'm staying away from adding any nutes too early due to the FFOF, but if it will help count me in.

Also, upon watering (plain pH'd to 6.5) the girls last night, I discovered my run off was coming out around 5.2-5.4 pH. Untreated soil perhaps? So from that, I flushed them pretty liberally and got the runoff pH levels to ~6.5. Will update how new growth looks in a few days for anyone interested.


New Member
Looks like a posible mosaic or hemp streak virus could be a couple different kinds. classic symptoms of twisting leafs and mosaic patern. no cure if it is.