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  1. andy07966

    Hawaiian Baby Woodrose Seeds - Trip Reports

    These seeds seem to not be very popular and I just wanted to hear a few of your trip reports if you have tried them. I took a low dose and will take higher ones in the future but it would be interesting to hear some other experiences first. Background Details - Got 10g (about 100 seeds) from...
  2. andy07966

    08 Grow, Any ideas when i should harvest (pics)

    cheers for the help guys, it was about 4 weeks. Amazing weed too!
  3. andy07966

    08 Grow, Any ideas when i should harvest (pics)

    As the title says any idea when this girl should be harvested? Any feedback would be great. Thanks again guys.
  4. andy07966

    question about flowering

    it depends if they are on the intersections of stems or at the new growth tops. if they are at the tops of the new growth they will be going into flower, if they are just at intersections theyre just preflowers. Leave them a couple of weeks then u shud have plenty of flower growth.
  5. andy07966

    techniques for growing huge plants outdoors!

    i got 2 8 foot plants, will post pics when i get home tomorrow, i just started them early. Im from the uk and i started mine april, they have huge buds on them now. They only had cheap asda compost and no nutes at all.
  6. andy07966

    Pretty cool way to keep some bugs off.

    you can get perrenial plants. Heres some seeds on the net, ill post the description too. The Doggies Nuts! cannabis seed range " Type Indoor/Outdoor Flowering 7 weeks Yield 400-450g/m2 This variety has been a long time coming and definitively confirms that the times they are a changing! As...
  7. andy07966


    damn good idea!! Thanks
  8. andy07966

    First time growing, need some guidence

    basically if there are any "hairs" (pistils) they are female, the male flowers are like pods.
  9. andy07966


    just water, trim any yellowing leaves. Its mainly about the sunlight and positioning. I have considered using some nutes. Might try it on one and leave the other one. Here they are anyway, thought i'd put them in my gallery.
  10. andy07966

    What are pre-flowers?

    cheers mate! nice one.
  11. andy07966

    Our First Time Growing

    FIM, stands for "fuck i missed" which apparently was when someone was trying to pinch the tops and missed and cut too much off, turned out it was a successful technique. I would leave them outside unless you have a greenhouse or conservatory. Also bring them in if you hear there could be a...
  12. andy07966

    What are pre-flowers?

    they are outdoor strains, by my calculations they should start to flower properly early august. This still applies then? At least i know they are female! Thanks m8.
  13. andy07966

    Powerplant is purple?

    i have a powerplant female, about a month old, 1.5ft tall, havn't seen any signs of purple yet. Where did you get your seeds from?
  14. andy07966

    What are pre-flowers?

    8-9 weeks then? yay!!!
  15. andy07966

    What are pre-flowers?

    so it basically means they are going into flower?
  16. andy07966

    cigarette dipin

    dip one in some poppers, thats always a good laugh!!
  17. andy07966

    Ever experienced LOW dose shrooms? I want to be in control!

    You're right about the nature thing, metals and buildings will give you a bad trip.
  18. andy07966

    08 outdoor

    They look nice man! real bushy!
  19. andy07966

    First time growing, need some guidence

    This should help you sex your plants Good luck!
  20. andy07966

    first try at lst

    didn't no u could bury the stem when you re pot them. Thought it would go mouldy or somethin?