Pretty cool way to keep some bugs off.


Active Member
Hello all, my family has had a successful outdoor grow spot in the US for a long time now. I can remember all the things my dad taught me and I have been seeing alot of people talking about pests on your plants. We have various spots with around 10-15 plants all really old so packing up the roots in soil is not an option anymore (some plants are older than I am!). A simple solution for pests is to get a Mulberry tree from wal-mart or wherever you would like and put your plants around it. Be sure that some leaves are pretty close to your plants (5 to 9 inches I would say) so that pests have an option. Ever since we have been doing this our plants have remained untouched and the leaves complete. We usually have about 1 mulberry tree per 10 plants. The mulberry tree will most likely be eaten alive in a few months/weeks depending on how many bugs are around but as long as that tree has some leaves on it most bugs will eat it instead. Another tip more for slugs is to put a ring of rocksalt around the base of your plant if its in a pot or if it is planted in the ground you should put it around the plant 3' from the base of the stem. Hope this helps and happy growing. If anyone has any other problems please feel free to message me and I will help the best I can.

I love the site and hope this helps.


Well-Known Member
Im a defientely going to give this a shot!!! Plus it will add more coverage ffor yer babies!! nice idea man...


Well-Known Member
The only thing I thought of was from clones and clones and clones...or he lives in a climate where it stays in VEG all the time but im not really sure


Well-Known Member
i dont understand either. no plant could be as old as he UNLESS it was a mother plant that was kept indoors and cared for like a baby ... for that many years??? dont make sense at all, ESPECIALLY for being an outdoor plant.


Well-Known Member
Yes it does! I just got one and the same aphids and leaf hoppers are now on the mulberry tree!!
What do you mean salt barrens soil?


Well-Known Member
Keep us posted on how the tree works out....I just finally put mine in the wild this morning and notice a lot of holes in the leaves of vegatation around them so pretty nervous...


Active Member
you can get perrenial plants. Heres some seeds on the net, ill post the description too.

The Doggies Nuts! cannabis seed range

Type Indoor/Outdoor
Flowering 7 weeks
Yield 400-450g/m2
This variety has been a long time coming and definitively confirms that the times they are a changing! As believe it or not this is deciduous herbaceous perennial strain!

For those of you that are not that horticulturally aware this means it has the ability to re-emerge after it has died.

Yes the seeds and not so commonly the plant can over winter and re-emerge come the spring, as in this little, or should we say big beauty will auto flower once it is established - if left to be it will set seeds, then these seeds will grow and then these plants will do the same thing so on and so forth ad infinitum!

For those of you that have still not seen the light, this means that it can grow wild and if left unchecked will colonise the areas where it is placed! in one season it can produce 3-4 generations of offspring and as each generation matures they will do the samething!

In plain English this variety can grow wild and colonise - if left will come back with a vengeance every season there after!

This strain has similar genetic characteristics as the Long John Silver (auto flowering) variety however is more productive both in yield and active ingredients compared to its more mellow younger brother.

Other seed banks have tried to buy the entire supply from us to stop these seeds hitting the market for fear of what this would do to the seed industry! But lol this is more important than mere money! - let these seeds go forth and prosper and re take what is rightfully theirs :)


Well-Known Member
Hello all, my family has had a successful outdoor grow spot in the US for a long time now. I can remember all the things my dad taught me and I have been seeing alot of people talking about pests on your plants. We have various spots with around 10-15 plants all really old so packing up the roots in soil is not an option anymore (some plants are older than I am!). A simple solution for pests is to get a Mulberry tree from wal-mart or wherever you would like and put your plants around it. Be sure that some leaves are pretty close to your plants (5 to 9 inches I would say) so that pests have an option. Ever since we have been doing this our plants have remained untouched and the leaves complete. We usually have about 1 mulberry tree per 10 plants. The mulberry tree will most likely be eaten alive in a few months/weeks depending on how many bugs are around but as long as that tree has some leaves on it most bugs will eat it instead. Another tip more for slugs is to put a ring of rocksalt around the base of your plant if its in a pot or if it is planted in the ground you should put it around the plant 3' from the base of the stem. Hope this helps and happy growing. If anyone has any other problems please feel free to message me and I will help the best I can.

I love the site and hope this helps.
I'm just kind of tripping out because, if I'm reading you right, you're saying you've basically got perennial plants that grow year after year.

Yeah, I have problems with pests, but the problems with ME are worse. Growing on my deck, can't plant a mulberry but I sure do like the fruitless mulberries, those are very pretty trees. :)


Well-Known Member
Yes it does! I just got one and the same aphids and leaf hoppers are now on the mulberry tree!!
What do you mean salt barrens soil?
In a nutshell, nothing grows in salt, so if you were to use a lot around your plant, and it rained fairly hard, you'd risk washing that down into your soil, which could present problems. Not sure how much salt it would take to start this negative action.
So, enough salt in ground will render it barren . . . unable to produce. Same w/gasoline. Got a stubborn weed? Gas it, but don't expect anything to grow where you poured/sprayed it, for a while. Or douche it w/strong salt-water . . . same result.