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  1. J

    What's a good legit seed bank I can buy from over the net

    What's a legit seed bank I can buy from with out any problems.. I was lookin at nirvana so any input would help
  2. J

    quick question bout what the difference of auto strain seeds n reg fem seeds

    So r auto strain seeds garage pretty much so I should just get fem seeds then?
  3. J

    quick question bout what the difference of auto strain seeds n reg fem seeds

    whats it mean when the say auto strain seeds or what the difference between auto strain seeds and feminized seeds.. im not sure on what to buy for this grow im trying to get started with 400 watt mh hps kit...
  4. J

    Found two seeds growing on my only plant

    I just call it bag sees bc idk what it is n it's in my closet n I don't see any of those bananas
  5. J

    Found two seeds growing on my only plant

    I picked the two white seeds out n what should I be looking for, this is my first plant/grow. Ill get pics when my lights come on.. I don't know what strain it just bag seed from good weed my friend had
  6. J

    Found two seeds growing on my only plant

    I'm bout a week or two at the most I think before I start to cut my plant down. I noticed on one branch on the bottom has to lil white seeds poking out n I just noticed it last night .. I only have one plant. Should I cut it now or wat should I do just let it grow for the last week n then cut or...
  7. J

    What's a site that I can buy seeds from

    That's a rip off site thanks bud
  8. J

    What's a site that I can buy seeds from

    I was looking on the net for a seed bank and don't know which one to buy from... Any help on directing me towards a good seed bank thanks
  9. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    O ok thanks but y r my leaves like or is it bc I only have a couple weeks left but there's brown spots
  10. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    HaI flushed n started over with nutes and I'm using general organics go box not general hydroponics I think there differen and what the molasses for and where and what kind to get
  11. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    No everything looks good at least to me it does n I noticed sum of the lil white hairs are starting to turn red.. N I have cal mg but it is wat came in the go box.. What other cal mg should I get... N I check my ph after I put nutes in n it's 6.5 I don't have a digital I use drops... N how much...
  12. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    Just look at the top of the page to see the leaves but that's what my plant looks like
  13. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    Bout 6 or 7 weeks into flowering. This is what my plant looks like, everything looks good to me but for my leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and it gets worse til it drys up n dyes.. I just did a flush bc of salt n nute build up n I'm back at 1/4 strength now for nutes n that would be...
  14. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    I use cal mg n I feed water feed water but I started at 1/4 n worked my way up to wat the bottle said but I flushed last week n just feed my plant 1/4 strength now... I use tap water too but I first used distilled water. I'm using general organics go box nutes n my temps are 75 low n 85 high n...
  15. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    No I still have a couple weeks left til harvest but everything looks good but for those leaves turning yellow n brown. Ill get a pic tonight when my lights come back on.. I just flushed it bc I thought it would help n everyone else I talked to said flush it
  16. J

    Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower

    Fan leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and then they get crispy n die.. I just flush with bout 12 gallons of tap water n then the last gallon I put 1/4 nutes.. I'm using general organics go box with ffof, 250 watt hps/ mh.. I'm bout 6 or 7 weeks into flowering and I don't know what to do...
  17. J

    Trying to figure out what kind of 3x3 or 4x4 grow tent I should get?

    I wana buy a grow tent, either 3x3 or 4x4 I wanna grow up to 4 to 6 plants... I'm getting a credit card so I can pay for everything I need so the most ill have it 600 bucks... I don't want the cheapest or most expensive bc I still have to get everything else. Which kind should I get???
  18. J

    Flushing my plant with distilled water??

    Ok so after all that should I just use tap water n let it sit out. All I gota do is flush my plant n need to know which one tap or distilled