Leaves still turning yellow with brown spots after flush in 6 or 7 th week of flower


Fan leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and then they get crispy n die.. I just flush with bout 12 gallons of tap water n then the last gallon I put 1/4 nutes.. I'm using general organics go box with ffof, 250 watt hps/ mh.. I'm bout 6 or 7 weeks into flowering and I don't know what to do to save my plant..



Well-Known Member
advice, give us a pic of the entire plant, if the bottom of the plant is soggy looking, prob not getting any light . the bottom of the plant hardly gets and buds any ways, but those leaves should yellow close to harvest it it normal get us a pic we will set you straight,
Also I've found that a lot of the problems with a plant have to do with over or under watering, unless you go hog wild with the ferts


No I still have a couple weeks left til harvest but everything looks good but for those leaves turning yellow n brown. Ill get a pic tonight when my lights come back on.. I just flushed it bc I thought it would help n everyone else I talked to said flush it

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Appears like the good old calmag is low......
In late bloom many nute formulas increase in P&K and that's good cause the plant needs that to produce nice flowers. BUT keep in mind that at the same time the increase in P&K will make the plant think it's closer to the end of life then it really is, so it'll pull nutrition from it's self and cause leaves to yellow and fall away......Doesn't look like you have that though,,,,looks Cal-Mag deficient.
Stop wash
dry out to watering point
add a Cal-Mag to nutes or increase use if in use already.

Pic #3 is kinda disturbing.....Is this problem going on the whole plant ? What have you're room temps been? How much feeding are you doing in ml per day to what size pot?


I use cal mg n I feed water feed water but I started at 1/4 n worked my way up to wat the bottle said but I flushed last week n just feed my plant 1/4 strength now... I use tap water too but I first used distilled water. I'm using general organics go box nutes n my temps are 75 low n 85 high n my humidity is 43 low n 60 high... I'm gona take a better pic at 830 when my lights come on


Bout 6 or 7 weeks into flowering. This is what my plant looks like, everything looks good to me but for my leaves are turning yellow with brown spots and it gets worse til it drys up n dyes.. I just did a flush bc of salt n nute build up n I'm back at 1/4 strength now for nutes n that would be general organics go box nutes... Is this normal with the leaves or I'm fuckin up



Well-Known Member
Definitely cal mag, do you see any weird new growth or bud decay?
What is your pH at?
Make sure the plant is not getting to much potassium or nitrogen because that can cause a lockout of the magnesium. Get some cal-mag supplement and she will get much better!


No everything looks good at least to me it does n I noticed sum of the lil white hairs are starting to turn red.. N I have cal mg but it is wat came in the go box.. What other cal mg should I get... N I check my ph after I put nutes in n it's 6.5 I don't have a digital I use drops... N how much cal mag should I give her n do I use cal mag every time I water or just when I feed nutes

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Hmm, temps are up, but not to high......70 during lights on is the goal with around a 10deg of drop at "night". As your temps rise you're plant slows down in growth and at 90 it will go "dormant"
According to the feeding chart for your nutes your way under feeding and it does look like it in your new pics.
follow the instructions here:
add some (1tsp per gallon) unsulfured molasses to add the "sugars" that will help during this time also.

If you really want to grow organic. Try a good tea formula! You make it and it is the best way to go.

Seedlings less than 1 month old nute tea mix-
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
1-cup earthworm castings/5 gallons of water every 3rd watering

Veg mix-
1/3 cup Seabird Guano (SG) (In veg I use a "general" seabird guano)
1/3 cup High N Bat Guano (Mexican)
1/3 cup Earth Worm Castings (EWC)
1/3 cup Alfalfa meal
5 tsp. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract or any liquid kelp extract
5 tbs. Liquid Karma (optional)
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
5ml CalMg+
mix with 5 gallons of water in a large bucket with 2 air stones off 1 air pump and a quality aquarium heater set for 70 deg. Run for 12 hrs for a foliar inocculant that will kill molds and fungus, run for 24hrs for "feed nutes". Anything over that doesn't gain much, but you can run to 32hrs ok......cut this by 1/2 to make less and store bulk in a fridge for like a week and the living organisms will stay good,,,after that you lose the living things but the nutes still are there....I put 1cup of brew to 1 gallon and feed every watering. Increase concentrate by 1/3 cup incr per gallon of feed ready nute if need be.

Flowering nute tea mix:
2/3 cup Peruvian Seabird Guano
2/3 cup Earth Worm Castings
2/3 cup High P Guano (Indonesian or Jamaican, but I prefer Indonesian)
2/3 cup alfalfa meal
10 ml Botanicare SWEET unflavored ,,, (A Mg/S that will jack the tricomes and flavors)
5 tbs. Maxicrop 1-0-4 powdered kelp extract or liquid kelp extract
5 tbs. Black Strap Molasses
Same as above, but don't use as a foliar - run straight to 24hrs and use.

Use a GOOD organic soil premix, like Dr. Earth, Black Gold, Roots or Just Right Xtra (avoid fox farm and things with coco fiber) or do this:

That should help for the future and GOOD LUCK

Don't get worrying about Ph.....soil self adjusts Ph to proper levels! Worrying about Ph is for hydro's.
As for calmg,, just add like it say's in the feeding chart......
Hmmm, you didn't use Miracle Grow soil did you?
NEVER USE MIRACLE GROW SOIL! they have 6months of nutes in the soil and you'll get all sorts of problems from that.


Well-Known Member
Flushing also clears out any nutes in the soil so you may have to add more... Molasses tends to lockout nitrogen if its not mxed right or if you are just using it and nothing else


HaI flushed n started over with nutes and I'm using general organics go box not general hydroponics I think there differen and what the molasses for and where and what kind to get

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
HaI flushed n started over with nutes and I'm using general organics go box not general hydroponics I think there differen and what the molasses for and where and what kind to get
Any UNSULFURED molasses will work. Try the local market or your grow shop should have "HIGH BRIX" and that's molasses for gardening. Molasses adds carbs that are used by flowering plants to aid in the "bulking" and tend to increase the terp levels that make up the smell and flavor of your finished product. It has been used "old school" for many years!

General Org IS General Hydro. It's just an organic product line.


Active Member
I know it's too late for a reply but I just want you to know. Not all marijuana plants take nutes the same way at feeding. Some Indica will not need nutes during veg. Unless of course, it's a very bushy plant. Flower nutes (When using chemical nutes) should always start out at 1/4 strength in soil. Even an 1/8th would work better. The plant roots must gradually adapt to the new food supply. The plant itself while in a lockout will eat its food supply and calcium is the first to go. Use worm castings dirt along with your soil. 1/4 worm castings dirt and 75% of your regular dirt. Perlite, be generous, the roots need oxygen. Nute about every 2 weeks, flush at week 4 in flowering and at week 7. Week 8 or 9 you pull. Hope your future grows bounty is gold.