Flushing my plant with distilled water??


Active Member
Funny how I've been using it for over a decade and my plants are fine and the scientific studies proving that plants actually may usechlorine but it's cool I'm not here to fight, if you feel you are the authority on this than whatever dude, you can put your cock away now. https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/697762-chlorine-science-myth-fact.html
I've read chlorine is not that bad, especially in such small ppm as in city water. I think ultimately the PH of your water is more important. MJ likes it a bit more on the acidic side.


Ok so after all that should I just use tap water n let it sit out. All I gota do is flush my plant n need to know which one tap or distilled


Active Member
Ok so after all that should I just use tap water n let it sit out. All I gota do is flush my plant n need to know which one tap or distilled
It won't hurt either way. What is most important is it is at the proper ph (around 6 or so - a little higher for soil is OK).


Well-Known Member
Ok so after all that should I just use tap water n let it sit out. All I gota do is flush my plant n need to know which one tap or distilled
we can't tell you to use your tap water because we don't know if you have decent tap water or not. It varies a LOT. Ask somebody in NYC what their water tastes like and compare it to La OR cOLORado.

Use the water that you normally water your plants with and add a wee bit of nutes.


New Member
its actually better to flush with a low ppm nute solution or one of the way overpriced flushing products on the market.
Two reasons:

1. ion displacement. Salts are held by the soil media because of ion attractions, its easier to displace ions if you have some other ions to knock them loose.
Similar to the reason salt is used to flush ion exchange water purification systems. but don't use salt :)

2. You don't want the roots in a complete ionic void like distilled water. Negative osmotic pressures are not good for living cells.
Its kind of like the reason for using saline as an intravenous fluid, or a sports drink instead of plain water.

Assuming you have decent tap water , i would use tap water instead of distilled water.
6 years later and this is still useful. Cheers


New Member
Fox Farm OF. I'm 32 days into flower on pineapple chunk which has an average flower period of 65 days. There is early signs of nute burn l, with the last feed of nutes being the night before last. So I'm planning on taking my normal water (RO water) and adding just a ML each of Cal-Mag, and hydroplex to help flush. Oh and it's a 2 gal pot, probably has a gal and a half of soil.