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  1. Cannabanana

    Lightning Photos

    cool pics. +rep
  2. Cannabanana

    party this weekend and just got free liquor

    haha have fun m8
  3. Cannabanana

    i just smoked resin for the first time

    resin isnt that black shit that you get when you smoke weed. THAT is tar; you get tar and co2 when you burn something. RESIN is the sticky shit on your buds that gets you high (THC) And if you think about it........when you make bud brownies/butter/oil you can't get the heat over 350 degrees f...
  4. Cannabanana

    The "Explain your name" thread

    All I have to add to this discussion is..... Do you know how delicious banana flavored cannabis would be?
  5. Cannabanana

    do you smoke cigarettes?

    Yeah my daily routine is wake up, breakfast which includes coffee and a smoke and then if its a nice day I sometimes go fishing on the kayak with a few joints. Too bad i'm going to have to start working mornings and this won't be possible.
  6. Cannabanana

    do you smoke cigarettes?

    anybody tried electronic cigarettes? I'm constantly vaping my electronic cig and can now enjoy the taste of food and I can smell way better. Plus I can smoke (vape) in the movie theater or other indoor places that banned cigarettes. I'm working on a way to substitute the nicotine liquid for...
  7. Cannabanana

    Resin Lips

    I have this problem with only one of my pieces. This particular bubbler is notorious in my circle of friends to provide the biggest hits out of anyone's piece. I regularly clean my piece and this still happens. I think its just the size of the hit you take. This thing has a reputation of burning...
  8. Cannabanana

    Whats the problem

    Yeah I second that I don't think there is a problem. It isn't a bud site anyways.
  9. Cannabanana

    pulled one of my babies

    That reminds me of my first closet harvest awesome.
  10. Cannabanana

    12-12 from seed CFL steath flower box

    Agreed, this should be interesting.
  11. Cannabanana

    Bump If You're Baked!

    4 bong packs and a bluntt Mega bump. Mega bake.
  12. Cannabanana


    Fishing and toking in my little canoe has been one of my favorite hobbies for quite some time.
  13. Cannabanana

    2nd week flowering....check her out

    I smoke like a bowl a week.........maybe...........
  14. Cannabanana

    2nd week flowering....check her out

    I am extremely limited on space and time so considering what I have, i'm satisfied........ I used the same cheap, efficient method last year and got a half ounce for around $12 after electricity costs.
  15. Cannabanana

    2nd week flowering....check her out

    So this is my second attempt at growing. Germ'd and mostly vegged indoors under aquarium lights with some extra cfls to increase lumens. The leaves did get a little "sunburned" because they were not used to natural light the first time I left the plant outside. I left it on my patio a little...
  16. Cannabanana

    Bong Hunt!

    ya man dont smoke that shit everybody around me does and its disgusting......its tar with little to no THC!!
  17. Cannabanana

    Reverting back to veg

    I did some research and it looks like after you reintroduce them to 16 hours of light they are going to go back to veg but it is not harmful. Oh and expect some very odd growth for the first few weeks after they re-veg
  18. Cannabanana

    Reverting back to veg

    I am in the same situation...... Let's hope we get an informative reply.....
  19. Cannabanana

    Synthetic Psilocybin

    Got the connection and the transaction is set for Friday. If anybody is interested (probably not haha) I'll let you guys know how it goes