do you smoke cigarettes?


Active Member
anybody tried electronic cigarettes?

I'm constantly vaping my electronic cig and can now enjoy the taste of food and I can smell way better. Plus I can smoke (vape) in the movie theater or other indoor places that banned cigarettes.

I'm working on a way to substitute the nicotine liquid for vegetable oil with THC baked into it but so far it just tastes like im smoking a bong pack of french fries.


Well-Known Member
wiki says its both an upper and a, how is that possible?

Psychoactive effects
Nicotine's mood-altering effects are different by report: in particular it is both a stimulant and a relaxant.[22] First causing a release of glucose from the liver and epinephrine (adrenaline) from the adrenal medulla, it causes stimulation. Users report feelings of relaxation, sharpness, calmness, and alertness.[23] By reducing the appetite and raising the metabolism, some smokers may lose weight as a consequence.[24][25]


New Member
I definitely feel more alert when I smoke cigarettes. I think that's one of the reasons why I love a cig with my coffee in the morning. They compliment each other.


Active Member
Yeah my daily routine is wake up, breakfast which includes coffee and a smoke and then if its a nice day I sometimes go fishing on the kayak with a few joints. Too bad i'm going to have to start working mornings and this won't be possible.


Well-Known Member
I started when i was 16 and im not sure why, but i smoke Camel wides, and clove cigarettes like djarum black when i can. And i enjoy smoking and i dont really want to quit


Well-Known Member
I personally hate cigarettes. I've been smoking a pack a day since 13 (first tried one around 11 yrs old) which was 12 years ago now.. They've, over recent years, started to effect my taste and smell to the point that I dont have much of either anymore. I've tried quitting 3 or 4 times but nothing seems to work.