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  1. thormaxim

    100,000 of us. and all we get is decriminalization

    Also, people need to understand their rights as jurors. There is something called Jury Nullification. You can find someone "not guilty" even if they are guilty of the crime committed. You can do this if you do not agree with the "law". That is one way to get the wheels going. I've heard so...
  2. thormaxim

    Newb's 12/12 from bagseed(CFL)

    Yup. That's exactly what I do :-P On- 1am - 1pm (when i'm home/asleep) Off-1pm - 1am (when i'm at work) Pics being uploaded soon. Edit: Yes my roommate knows. I have already broken rule#1 and i'll take my chances. I've known this guy for a long time and he's NEVER done anything to make me not...
  3. thormaxim

    Newb's 12/12 from bagseed(CFL)

    Yup he does. He isn't an issue. Yea I know the heat sucks. See in the area I live the temps at night have been pretty cool the last few nights so we opened the windows. However, you know the weather, today was hot. They weren't that hot for very long though. Maybe a few hours. I really don't...
  4. thormaxim

    Newb's 12/12 from bagseed(CFL)

    I assume you mean my box? Camera battery is charging atm, will post pics in a bit. They are looking good today. I'm just a little concerned about a heating issue though. My roommate and I have stopped using the central AC system and the room i'm in has a HUGE window that faces directly west. I...
  5. thormaxim

    growing regs?

    No expert here but i'd say the the quality of the weed you want to grow shouldn't be determined by what strain you grow, but by how well you grow it. I'm still a newb though, so there's a chance i'm wrong I guess.
  6. thormaxim

    Newb's 12/12 from bagseed(CFL)

    Hi. This is my first serious grow. I'm using Scott's potting mix 2 26w 6500k 2 26w 2700k(will add more as needed) Distilled water I have a computer fan above the lights blowing air out and one passive intake at the bottom. I'll be adding a fan to strengthen their stems shortly. Can anyone...
  7. thormaxim

    Pic posting question

    Well, i'm not religious but i'll think of "God" as nature here. I'm on God's side. :bigjoint::bigjoint:
  8. thormaxim

    Pic posting question

    I agree. Marijuana prohibition is illogical. I think if more jurors stopped sending people to jail that could be one more variable on the positive side for us. Jury nullification - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia I think people should practice this more.
  9. thormaxim

    Pic posting question

    Indeed. However, that does not address the question :clap:
  10. thormaxim

    Pic posting question

    Hi all :-P I'm new at this game so I have a question about posting pictures. If I were to by some chance have a project in progress right now and wanted to post pics of them... how secure is that? I've read about some method of editing and removing a certain code that would trace to a specific...
  11. thormaxim

    Poems About Weed

    Lol, I don't know why but I lol'd at this hard. :weed:
  12. thormaxim

    Help me out

    My best advice is to drink all the water you can. I once passed a piss test after smoking a half oz just two days before taking the test. At the time, I heard that goldenseal would "help" so I used that too. Somehow I passed. :-o
  13. thormaxim

    First grow 12/12 from seed!!! (Need input)

    So clipping the bottom two branches will result in the plant dying?