Newb's 12/12 from bagseed(CFL)


Active Member
Hi. This is my first serious grow.

I'm using

Scott's potting mix
2 26w 6500k
2 26w 2700k(will add more as needed)
Distilled water

I have a computer fan above the lights blowing air out and one passive intake at the bottom. I'll be adding a fan to strengthen their stems shortly.

Can anyone recommend a reliable PH tester? Something digital perhaps..

Btw the 3 bigger ones are about 10 or so days after sprouting. The others are just a few days old.

Marijuana Growing - thormaxim's Album: lolcats

Any feedback will be appreciated. :weed:


Active Member
I assume you mean my box? Camera battery is charging atm, will post pics in a bit.

They are looking good today. I'm just a little concerned about a heating issue though. My roommate and I have stopped using the central AC system and the room i'm in has a HUGE window that faces directly west. I have comforter over it but last night at 3am temps in the box were 100F... yikes.. they were hovering in the 85-90F range prior to that and last night was the first night with no AC.


Well-Known Member
Good job man:clap: Just try not to analize to to much and dont freak out if you see a lil yellow or something...its not the end of the world and dont over water. Other then that man good job and keep it up!!!



Well-Known Member
no good bro
they will survive in heat like that but i do not recommend it not even in the high 80s.....blast that ac or figure something about that heat yo
does the roommate know of the grow


Active Member
Yup he does. He isn't an issue.

Yea I know the heat sucks. See in the area I live the temps at night have been pretty cool the last few nights so we opened the windows. However, you know the weather, today was hot.

They weren't that hot for very long though. Maybe a few hours. I really don't have any choice about them being at around 85-90 though, that seems reasonable. Not ideal i'm sure but still doable right?


Well-Known Member
Definitely ok for it to be in those temps, tis a weed remember.
But yea don't stress it. Maybe try to have the 12 hours of darkness in the box during the hotter temps. So the light wont increase the heat.


Active Member
Yup. That's exactly what I do :-P

On- 1am - 1pm (when i'm home/asleep)
Off-1pm - 1am (when i'm at work)

Pics being uploaded soon.

Edit: Yes my roommate knows. I have already broken rule#1 and i'll take my chances. I've known this guy for a long time and he's NEVER done anything to make me not trust him. Plus- If I go down he goes down. Not concern for me though tbh. He is the only person that knows and he's not the type of person that tells other people's business.

Marijuana Growing - thormaxim's Album: 9-22