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  1. B

    Are these balls?? Sex me up please.

    these are the third and fourth node
  2. B

    Are these balls?? Sex me up please.

    First timer and not exactly sure what these "balls" look like that everybody speaks of. I really dont think that this is a sex indicator but they sure do look like balls. What do you guys think?
  3. B

    Transition from veg to flower

    When you start to go 12 12 when should you introduce the flowering nutes and stop the veg nutes?
  4. B

    Cloning solution???

    Thanks, do you use anything in your foliar spray? Do you use a humidity dome? Is there any good methods to making your own humidity dome?
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    Cloning solution???

    Do they sell cloning gell at lowes or wallmart? Is shultz rooting formula a cloning solution? I have never tried this but I would like to give it a shot, I just dont want to pay 30$ for a little bottle at the hydro shop. Besides for some rockwool do I need any other supplys to clone?
  6. B

    To top or not to top?

    the one on the left was topped accidently when a reflector fell on it. The one on the right was never topped because I did not know I was suppose to. I guess I got lucky with the one on the left. Is the plant too big to be topped now? what would you guys suggest?
  7. B

    To top or not to top?

    the one on the left was topped accidently when a reflector fell on it. The one on the right was never topped because I did not know I was suppose to. I guess I got lucky with the one on the left. Is the plant too big to be topped now? what would you guys suggest?
  8. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    Look at my latest pics... Can anybody determine sex ?
  9. B

    My first grow 4 days flowering hows she look?

    Yea I have been told that white paint reflects better than aluminum foil. I had my entire closet covered with it then somebody told me that it didnt work so I took it down. I havent seen any difference.
  10. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    Alright, I wanted to try to clone these. I know you cannot do that after flowering, but given my fucked up situation I am going to try it. Can I get a cloning soloution at any nursery or lowes perhaps? Or do I have to get the 25$ bottle at the hydro shop?
  11. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    Alright the pictures of the nodes before were from pretty high up on the plant. These are lower on the plant. These look like the signs that are shown on the FAQ section. Anyway, judging on the pics and the size of the plants and my situation what should I do? Should I stay at 18/6, go back...
  12. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    Thanks Johnny, first compliment I recieved. So how can you tell when it goes into flower? Im guessing when it starts to show sex or when you can see buds? So by looking at the picture you would say it is flower? That isnt a bud site on top is it?
  13. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    Here are some more pictures, is this what you are looking for?
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    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    yea ill take some pics. its tough to get clear close ups but ill do my best
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    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    I know that that is a typical vegitative cycle, but he said that if you use an HPS during veg that this could happen because of the spectrum it emits. Most people do not veg on an HPS and if they do he told me that you should only go 24. Usually when I talk to somebody i can tell if they...
  16. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    Better picture, if you need more info or more pictures let me know
  17. B

    May have accidently put into flowering!?! Is it possible??

    I am using a 70w hps and some CFLS. I was running all lights for 24 hours up untill two weeks ago. I decided to put the HPS on a 18/6 schedule to save some energy and it makes the room really hot. I was at the hydro shop today and the guy said that it is possible by doing this that I could...
  18. B

    infected leaves

    I am using a local organic soil, fox farm big grow, and I use a shitty drop-ph tester that. I keep my ph roughly between 6.5-6.8.
  19. B

    infected leaves

    Yea growth was definitley stunted. When I first started I had very little light, ph was way off, and I over nuted (classic newb mistakes). Now I am seeing growth the way it should and I wanna do (or not do) whatever I can to keep it going. I was kinda hoping somebody could give me a strict...
  20. B

    infected leaves

    Pictures added.....take a look