infected leaves


Active Member
I have two big fan leaves that have turned almost completly yellow. The rest of the plant looks fine. Should I cut these leaves off? Is it bad to cut these off? Is there anything else I should do as far as pruning?

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I have two big fan leaves that have turned almost completly yellow. The rest of the plant looks fine. Should I cut these leaves off? Is it bad to cut these off? Is there anything else I should do as far as pruning?
Can you post some pics. Also more info would be helpful. Age, stage, watering schedule, nutes (if any), all that fun stuff.



Well-Known Member
if its in the flowering process then its completely normal if its in veg then it could be lots of things!


Active Member
Here are some pics. These plants have come a long way. They are probably a little over 2 months old. Most of my time has been spent fixing what I have fucked up. But they look like they are on the right track. I flushed them a week ago and gave them a small dose of fox farm grow big 5 days ago. In 5 days they have grown two inches. This is the first time since I planted these stuborn little bastards that I have seen some really significant growth. So basically I dont wanna fuck it up again. So where would you go from here? The plants are at about 8 inches. I have no set feeding schedule or anything set in stone, that is kinda what im looking to figure out. I have a 70w HPS that is on 18/6 and 2 cfls that are on 24 hours. Picking up a 150w hps soon.


Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
I would use FF Grow Big every watering at least 1/4 cap per gallon of water, I believe they are nute starved and check your p.h.


Well-Known Member
8" at 2 months? Stunted? I'd take a bamboo skewer, or something similar, and stick it down thru the soil, over and over . . . kinda like tenderizing a steak, obviously taking care not to stab it thru any big roots, ie: not forcing it thru anything.
I've had plants just sit there before and this has resulted in pretty quick return to normal growth.
I think many growers see this amount of growth by week 3.


Active Member
Yea growth was definitley stunted. When I first started I had very little light, ph was way off, and I over nuted (classic newb mistakes). Now I am seeing growth the way it should and I wanna do (or not do) whatever I can to keep it going. I was kinda hoping somebody could give me a strict feeding/watering schedule that I could stick with so I do not over/under nute them. I have been very scared to give them nutes because I burned them when they were really young.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
Yea growth was definitley stunted. When I first started I had very little light, ph was way off, and I over nuted (classic newb mistakes). Now I am seeing growth the way it should and I wanna do (or not do) whatever I can to keep it going. I was kinda hoping somebody could give me a strict feeding/watering schedule that I could stick with so I do not over/under nute them. I have been very scared to give them nutes because I burned them when they were really young.
Time to be careful!! I just went through some similiar shit! Screwed up my plants and am now finally getting it fixed.
What kind of soil and stuff are you using? They may not be nutrient deprived, there could be lockout or some other stuff.

Yeah so, what soil are you using and when was the last time you transplanted them?



Active Member
I am using a local organic soil, fox farm big grow, and I use a shitty drop-ph tester that. I keep my ph roughly between 6.5-6.8.

blazin waffles

Well-Known Member
I am using a local organic soil, fox farm big grow, and I use a shitty drop-ph tester that. I keep my ph roughly between 6.5-6.8.
What i'd suggest, and this is IMO. I'd stop nutes for a couple waterings and make sure you temps are good. You can pick up a decent PH/moisture tester for like 8 bucks at lowes.

I'd try that and then maybe on your third watering add 1/4 strength nutes.
