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  1. E

    Molasses, what is it good for?

    Well said Zombie!!!!
  2. E

    Guano Teas and PPMS

    Thanks for the replies, I fond your advice quite insightful.....You have helped me on my quest......Thank you
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    Guano Teas and PPMS

    OK....and now for an update. I watered a few hours ago with a diluted tea. The ppm was 850, I had to quit and start over tiring to get the number low enough. Luckily I had enough tea to go around LOL. It was about one gallon of my tea to 4 gallons of water. This put the ppm @ 650 then the...
  4. E

    Guano Teas and PPMS

    The ppm readings were around 1300 yesterday and today they are at 1600. I assume the rise has something to do with the bat guano starting to dissolve, but I am only guessing. Anybody have any suggestions on what sort of dilution to mix up. I will bet tomorrow the reading will be around...
  5. E

    Advantages to soil amendments vs organic teas?

    Do you guys water with the tea only or do you dilute it? What kind of ppm readings are you guys getting? My teas tend to get stronger as they brew and I have been diluting them to around 500 ppm.
  6. E

    cloning multiple choice question

    Update: I got most plants sexed and transplanted....some still are keeping their sex a secret. I cloned the bottom branches that I would have to cut anyway. I will start to flower in two days. Plants are showing some signs of Mag def but I sprayed with Epsom salts and will start using CalMag...
  7. E

    kelp spray

    Great question.........Anyone have anything to add? I would think once a week would be fine for a kelp spray. I dont do it that often but it should be fine. I like to spray with just water to wash them the following day but that is just me. I also like to shake all my foliar sprays to keep it...
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    Guano Teas and PPMS

    Here are the ingredients of my last tea. 5 gallons RO water 5 TBSP Earth Juice Grow 4 TBSP Earth Juice Bloom 5 oz Maxicrop seaweed 4 TBSP worm castings in nylon sock 1.5 TBSP Seabird Guano 1 tsp Jamaican Bat Guano 5 TBSP Earth Juice Catalyst I combine all ingredients and the aerate with an...
  9. E

    Guano Teas and PPMS

    Howdy folks, I was just curious about what other people considered a strong dose of fert. I know it can be very strain dependant, but what kind of ppm reading would be considered an extra strong feeding? I am about 3 or 4 days from 12/12 and am looking to give my ladies a nice kick in the pants...
  10. E

    Molasses, what is it good for?

    Wow lot of people either love or hate it. I think the people that hate it dont fully understand what it does. Molasses is good stuff and I plan to use it throughout the grow. I would like to thank everybody for their comments, both good things and bad things. Learning new things is why I...
  11. E

    What's your highest ppm reading without burning plants.

    Oh my god I did it again.....One more time hopefully I will get to finnish. 5 gallons RO water 5 TBSP Earth Juice Grow 4 TBSP Earth Juice Bloom 5 oz Maxicrop seaweed 4 TBSP worm castings in nylon sock 1.5 TBSP Seabird Guano 1 tsp Jamaican Bat Guano 5 TBSP Earth Juice Catalyst I combine all...
  12. E

    What's your highest ppm reading without burning plants.

    Oops...I must have hit a wrong anyway...where was I....oh yes 5 gallons RO water 5 TBSP Earth Juice Grow 4 TBSP Earth Juice Bloom 5
  13. E

    What's your highest ppm reading without burning plants.

    I make my tea earlier tonight. Incase anybody is courious here are the ingredents. 5 gallons ro water 5
  14. E

    What's your highest ppm reading without burning plants.

    Howdy folks, I was just curious about what other people considered a strong dose of fert. I know it can be very strain dependant, but what kind of ppm reading would be considered an extra strong feeding? I am about 3 or 4 days from 12/12 and am looking to give my ladies a nice kick in the...
  15. E

    Molasses, what is it good for?

    Molasses is definitely proven itself in organic gardening. Feed the soil not the plant, that is kinda what organic gardening is all about. I was just wandering how other people used it in the indoor garden. Some people use it only at the end and some through the whole grow. I like the idea...
  16. E

    Molasses, what is it good for?

    ah yes.....long live the microherd. What time in the grow should us it? If it feeds the micros than it seems like you should water with some throughout. What are potential problems of a buildup?
  17. E

    Molasses, what is it good for?

    I recently posted a tread on the plant problems forum about a potential mild overdose on molasses. (everything is fine and dandy now) I had heard that it is good to water with the black sticky every now and again because the soil micro-organisms will eat it and multiply. I also heard it is...
  18. E

    droopy at night, too much molasses

    Thanks, Will do. I think i will water tomorrow with pure water. I am going to check a couple more and get an average difference and go from there. Thanks again for your help.
  19. E

    droopy at night, too much molasses

    Wow! I just checked the ph of the run off after watering. Water was 6.1 going in, 5.6 going out. I am growing in Sunshine #4, worm castiings, more perlite, and some small amounts of other things like dolomite lime, Blood and bone meal, kelp meal, Mgso4 exec. Plants still look great although...
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    droopy at night, too much molasses

    oh yea.....and just to respond to autotek. I water about every third day, but now that they need to be bumped up I am watering more. Definitely not overwatering, although the symptoms would look very similar.