Guano Teas and PPMS


Active Member
Howdy folks,
I was just curious about what other people considered a strong dose of fert. I know it can be very strain dependant, but what kind of ppm reading would be considered an extra strong feeding? I am about 3 or 4 days from 12/12 and am looking to give my ladies a nice kick in the pants. I am all organic and I usually will make a yummy guano type tea a couple of days before. My strong teas normally start at around 900ppm and when finished will be around 3000ppm. I then dilute this to around 500ppm then water. The plants love it, but I would like to give them extra. How do other people mix nutes, and what kind of ppm range to you look for? I posted the same thread in the General Forum, but thought I would have better luck here. Thanks in advance.


Active Member
Here are the ingredients of my last tea.
5 gallons RO water
5 TBSP Earth Juice Grow
4 TBSP Earth Juice Bloom
5 oz Maxicrop seaweed
4 TBSP worm castings in nylon sock
1.5 TBSP Seabird Guano
1 tsp Jamaican Bat Guano
5 TBSP Earth Juice Catalyst

I combine all ingredients and the aerate with an air stone and pump. Wait two days and its becomes alive and will be ready to serve your plant. I normally will put about 1 gallon of tea to 4 gallons of water then ph then water.


Active Member
The ppm readings were around 1300 yesterday and today they are at 1600. I assume the rise has something to do with the bat guano starting to dissolve, but I am only guessing. Anybody have any suggestions on what sort of dilution to mix up. I will bet tomorrow the reading will be around 2000. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. This is my third grow, but first time using teas. I have never had happier plants and I cant say enough good things about my results so far. I have also just recently bought a ppm meter and am looking for information about what other people considered strong and weak feedings. I am starting 12/12 in a couple of days an really want to give them a full dose of fert. I have saved a few extra males that I plant to experiment with giving a full dose. Your thoughts and opinions are graciously welcome.

oh yea..... i put a little molasses in today (the tea is already starting to keep the bubbles)


Well-Known Member
Ediddy.... For feeding Mary - Bat Guano Teas... I do the following:
Seedling stage - 200-350 ppm / Veg stage - 450 - 700 / Flowering Stage - 600-800 ppm
I consider that reasonable feeding. Force feeding Mary will not increase yield or potency. Feed her reasonable, and she will reach her genetic potential. No amount of ferts can push her past that genetic potential.
So, their is no need to apply teas in the 1200 ppm range like some do. I speak from experience. Stick to the more reasonable range & reap the benefits of healthier, happier Mary.....
Hope this helps....
Keep it Real....Organic....


Active Member
OK....and now for an update.
I watered a few hours ago with a diluted tea. The ppm was 850, I had to quit and start over tiring to get the number low enough. Luckily I had enough tea to go around LOL. It was about one gallon of my tea to 4 gallons of water. This put the ppm @ 650 then the after the ph crystals it was more like 850. The ph crystals add so many salts to the water. Is there any way to raise the ph with less ph solution?


Active Member
Thanks for the replies, I fond your advice quite insightful.....You have helped me on my quest......Thank you