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  1. A

    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    I got about 1/4 from these two plants, I'll post some pics of the bud I have left when I get a chance (Purple Jems green pheno). The buds are nice but small with quite a few trichomes, they smell piney and licorice, taste is nothing special, and the high is a good mix of body and head. The high...
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    Heat wave + seedlings= bad idea.

    Ok, I will start another seed but probably will be a very small plant by the time harvest comes (outdoor). Thanks for the info guys, I think i might attempt to carefully take the seedling out, rinse off the roots and start it in seedling mix indoors. It was actually in the 100's here last week...
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    Heat wave + seedlings= bad idea.

    Hey growone thanks for the insight, it definitely could be that the roots hit a patch of manure. I'm tempted to re-pot it in some safer soil, but last thing I want to do is stress it out more. I guess leaf burn if caused from manure or hot conditions is hard to distinguish?
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    male or female, pics tomorrow

    I'm in the same scenario, and this is my one and only plant besides a half-burnt seedling so it's been exciting, lol. The first pics looks like the growth of a pistil but no hair yet, right? I've only found one growth like this. The other looks like a ball but I think it's too early to...
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    Heat wave + seedlings= bad idea.

    So I have this one fem Skywalker Kush seedling that I started in ground from seed. It did fine up until a major heatwave hit my area a week ago, I came back to find half of her burnt though I did not let the soil dry out. Now it is in the high 80's to mid 90's and will continue to be for at...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Nice, that looks like a good strain, I'll have to check out your grow. I just took these today, the leaves are pointing up- is it ok for this to happen? The soil is still damp so I don't want to water yet.
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Update on Purple Jems (Week 6?) I cut the male and am storing the pollen. These both still appear to be the green pheno, and have a different smell as well (more piney and not as berry-like). They are both about a foot tall, can I expect to see a lot more growth out of these??
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Here are the seeds harvested, Purple Jems x Purple Jems, and the Afrodita x Purple Jems. I got a bit on smokable plant matter on top of it, enough to last me till the others are ready for harvest. I want to sprout some seeds so bad, but I know I'd be better off waiting for them to dry out more.
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    First timer organic auto grow

    Welcome! Your pH level looks good to me, but it might be a good idea to have water in a tub with an airstone/ pump (like used in fishtanks) to dissipate chlorine of chloramines if they're in your water. Also the added oxygen in the water will help with root growth, generally I hear wait till...
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    is this too much under growth ?

    Wow nice job, I wish my autos looked like that- mine are half the size and I'm approaching week 5 lol. That side branching looks great to me, I don't see any bud sites that aren't receiving light.
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    Can you just leave autos in 4'' cube pots and get a small yield from them?

    I guess you would still get some buds, but you wouldn't be able to see the plants real potential due to it being very stressed. You'd probably get like 2-4 grams of low quality bud, it's worth having space for the roots as it would probably be better at showing you the desirable traits you're...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    I'll probably do that, these are 100% outdoor grown btw. I hear putting them in the dark days before harvest is good also because it puts the plants into shock- so they end up producing a lot of resin as a stress response so I might as well. Maybe I'm speaking too soon for the purple color to...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Week 5 -Purple Jems- (Random organic soil mix with perlite and aged horse manure), watered only when soil is dry 3" below surface with small amount of "bio bizz bloom" in neutral ph water.
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    BTW my other purple jems are about 5 weeks from seed and I see no trace of purple color on them, I didn't realize that this trait was variable- and I feel lucky i was able to cross a purple female with a purple male...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Well I decided to chop the plants today, as some seeds were on the brink of falling out. I think I'll get 40-50 from the purple gem and at least 60 from the bella afrodita X purple gem, or should I say "purple afrodita". Btw the afrodita smells like skunky coffee to me, or at least this pheno...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Good advice, I already got a few seeds out from the outer calyx's so I'll just wait a bit more for the inner-seeds. The bella-afrodita is going to give me a bunch of seeds as well, lots of very swollen calyx's- this should be an interesting cross with the purp gems. I'm very curious to see if...
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    HELP!! Auto Pounder getting to tall for my tent! What are my options??

    You could carefully and loosely tie string around the tallest part of the plant, then tie the other side of the string to something lower in the tent to "anchor" the plant away from the light. If it feels like it might snap I wouldn't risk it though. I was thinking maybe you could lean the pot...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Heres the update on my plants, one pic is of the bella afrodita strain, and a pic of seeds developing on the older purple gem. Some of the seeds look brown and ready to fall out of the calyx, and I'm not sure if there are a lot of seeds that need more time, how uniform is the overall maturation...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Hey tekdc thanks for the posts, haha yea it does look like a vine- who knows maybe I will get some crazy growth structures or patterns with those genetics. That one purple gem in particular was stressed a lot, so I think it was a stress-induced hermi. But either way it will be fun to see what...
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    Purple Gem+ Bella Afrodita experiment.

    Hey all, I sprouted 2 Purple Gem seeds and a freebie "La Bella Afrodita" feminized seed about 4-5 weeks ago. They have been growing outdoors and were stunted and stressed a bit with some cold spikes we had earlier. Anyways, I came back from a trip and were surprised they are still alive, but one...