Can you just leave autos in 4'' cube pots and get a small yield from them?


Well-Known Member
Should still get a small amount and will be able to test out different strains without taking up space if you dont have a big grow area.


I guess you would still get some buds, but you wouldn't be able to see the plants real potential due to it being very stressed. You'd probably get like 2-4 grams of low quality bud, it's worth having space for the roots as it would probably be better at showing you the desirable traits you're looking for. The root system is what enables the plant to grow nice "flowers or fruit", if you've ever kept a tomato plant in a tiny pot it'll produce stunted weird-colored tomatoes that taste like crap lol.


Well-Known Member

horrible horrible idea ........if u want small go to a gallon size pot and use nurtients at 1/4 strenght ( if the soil is organic and nice feed only for flowering ...if the soil is ahhh crap in a pot then start feeding about the 2/3 week) rem low dosing only going to half strenght if u see nurt burn on the leaf cut it back ( autos like little nurt getting the right balanace is tricky )

rem they are autos so the maxium they will get is about 2 feet in soil little higher if u get the prefect balance (hydro is where autos really shine)...soil math use 1 gallon =s 1 month of supplied nurtients .after that u need to supply some autos are 3 months 3 gallon is perfect size for whole life just have to get the flowering nurtients mix right in the water u use and to flush at the end


Well-Known Member
i am looking at this for my autos


they are using this in a gallon of water i have the bottles here in my hand and they are weak....1.1.2 stuff like that and they are saying 5 mls.........a shotglass is 23 mls


Well-Known Member
not talking about drinking it

used a shotglass to compare the amount they are saying to use to something everyday ppl know

they are talking use 20 mlls to like 35 mls of nurtients to gallon of water .........that is a very very small amount auto's like small amounts


Well-Known Member
2013-04-24 22.43.00.jpg got my hand around the main stem for a size comparison
grown in less less then a 1 gal container that was grown in a 1 lb plastic folgers coffee can if you want them small then use a gal or less and dont use nutes if your nutes are strong enough to support a large plant then more then likely it will be a large plant i only use 1/4 strength unless it shows a deficiency then i may bump it up to correct
you could over water it for a few weeks i know for a fact that will stunt them


Well-Known Member
and btw a little pot grows a little plant for a test i dont see why this wouldnt work most of the pc growers use small pots and get good smoke i believe if it was allowed to fully develop then it would still be the same strength as normal just yield less